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Beth Cougler Blom

Beth Cougler Blom

Beth Cougler Blom


by Beth Cougler Blom - Monday, 29 October 2018, 11:07 AM

The world

What communities claim you (are you part of)?

I spent the first half of my life growing up in Ontario but have almost spent more years living in BC than Ontario. I am from a village of about two thousand people (Norwich) which is sort of between Kitchener and London and all of my family members (except the one I "grew" myself: my husband and daughter and myself) still live near that area.

So I am part of an Ontario community and a Victoria/Sooke community, because I have lived on Vancouver Island since 2005, the last three years in Sooke. I'm also part of a post-secondary community, an instructional designer community, a FLO community, a non-profit community, a facilitator community, an entrepreneurial community, a choir community, a school parent goodness, the list goes on! To be honest, I love starting and being a part of communities...for example, I created the Victoria Facilitators Group almost ten years ago and it now has almost 200 members.

This day/week

What is present in the background of this day?

Today while starting this course I'm also prepping to facilitate the second session of a 'training skills'-type course tomorrow for the Capital Regional District, as well as starting to rough prototype out an e-learning course I'm developing for the BC SPCA on Articulate Storyline. I'm also thinking ahead to Halloween and the pumpkins I will be carving (my daughter wants Charlie Brown, Snoopy and Woodstock on three of them - whoa!) and my birthday this week!

This course

What are your goals?

I would really love to develop a MicroCourse and am an 'enthusiast' for all things FLO so I thought I would really enjoy being a participant in one of these courses to see how they work before I offered to develop one. Also I want to learn from all of your community building ideas as I teach a lot online and love the act of attempting to build and foster online community. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you.

PS I took this photo of myself last week to remind my husband (who was coming home from a camping trip) how snug it is in front of our fire...