Forum Activity: Your FLO Intro Posts
This is an activity designed to give you an immediate and practical jump on your FLO preparation - it has two parts:
• Part 1: Craft and share your FLO facilitator intro post. In other words, pretend you are co-facilitating the FLO right now and post that intro post.
You are encouraged to be creative and adventurous with technology; part of our jobs is modelling an attitude of fearless experimentation - push your own boundaries, whatever they may be right now (popular formats lately include narrated PowerPoint, short video, Prezi, PowToon...). We've seen a LOT already in FDO - check out the Harvest Wiki (growing daily!) for inspiration.
What to include is up to you - this is your "first impression". You might like to talk a bit about your teaching and other professional experience. You could share an anecdote or advice from your own FLO experience. You might like to share "two truths and a lie", or "three objects that represent how I feel about _______", or some other icebreaker-type format. You could tell a story. You might like to take people on a photo or video tour of a place you love and/or spend a lot of time (your kitchen, office, art studio, favourite dog park, or garden). Think back to the terrific FDO Intros and how they made you feel - what was it about them?
• Part 2: Read and respond to at least 2 others' FLO facilitator intro posts and offer some specific, constructive feedback. For example,
- Does the post help establish instructor presence?
- Is it clear? too long? or too short? just right?
- Is the quality "good enough" (these need not be oscar winning presentations, but the quality shouldn't interfere with the message, e.g., lots of background noise, too light or too dark images, etc)
- As a viewer, what is the impression you are left with?
- Is there something else that you (as an imaginary FLO participant) would have liked to know about them, as a facilitator?
Hopefully, you will end up with a final version (or a very good first draft, with feedback) on your FLO intro post. This will save you time in the weeks leading up to your first FLO facilitation.