Posts made by Brenda Hallowes

Hi Nancy and Scope members,

I am very much a lurker in these SCoPE seminars but I enjoy reading and learning. I am a computer educator in an elementary school in Port Elizabeth, South Africa where I teach grades 1 to 3 to use the computer as a tool for learning.

I am also an online tutor for teachers doing an Advanced Certificate in Education, Integrating ICT's into the curriculum. This course is run by email because many of the distributed group have slow dial-up connections in their rural schools.

Another cap I wear is Intel Teach course facilitator. This is usually done f2f but I am about to go on training as an online facilitator for the course.

Bandwidth is a huge issue in SA but I am interested in learning all I can about online tools. I look forward to learning from this seminar.

Thank you. I have just listened to the recording of session 2. It's frustrating not being live as there is no opportunity to interact with other participants. 

I wanted to ask if anyone has used as an online mind map tool in collaboration? I have only recently come across it. I am used to using Inspiration in the classroom. My little kids cope with it just fine.


I am coming very late to this discussion. I responded to Deidre yesterday but I have realised that I haven't introduced myself. I am an educator in the city of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. My day job is teaching grades 1 to 3 computers in an elementary school. (I actually integrate computers into the classroom curriculum). The real fun for me begins after school when I tutor some teachers doing a university course on integrating IT into the curriculum. That's done entirely by email - with the teachers working on the course material on CD. I also facilitate the Intel Teach course for educators. I was facilitating a face to face group last week hence the lack on interaction in this forum so far. It is also the end of our school year so things have been very pressured.  I enjoy exploring online tools and communities. I had the priviledge of doing Nancy White's CoPs course a few years back. I tend to lurk on SCoPE but I am learning so much. I am a firm believer in learning all one can and be ready for the moment when one's skills can be put to good use. I look forward to the rest of this seminar.

Thanks for the link to the video Deidre. I have been trying to get my family to participate in a wiki as a practice. I've now sent them all a link to the video. I enjoyed some of the others in the series too - particularly the one on

Hi Everyone, I haven't been active in the forums to date although I have been reading a daily digest of messages for nearly a year now.  I am presently teaching computer skills to grades 1 to 3 in an elementary school in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.  I have a second job which I do from home. This involves tutoring teachers enrolled in an Advanced Certificate in Education course through the university in KwaZulu Natal. The particular ACE course is about integrating ICT into education.  My interest in this forum is allied to this tutoring job.  All the interaction is done through email. The students work through the course material from a CD and submit activities and assignments for assessment. They are expected to interact with one another in discussing the activities but this rarely happens. I am interested in ways of motivating and affirming my group of students. I look forward to being a part of this forum.