Posts made by Jesai Jayhmes

There are layers of learning offered through this onliine journey. Now I can review the entire class.


Thankyou all for your enduring patience and willingness to stay engaged through the chat when our technological difficulties arose....

and to be honest, that is one of the purposes of the seminar. To recognize the limitation of current technology and use it to its best advantage to enhance the teaching/learning exchange. The last 45 minutes seem to be glitch free with a number of very interesting points that were brought up. Thankyou for your participation.

I just watched me.... I was acutely aware of missing seeing you.
Needs balance... why do you want to look at me nodding while someone else is making a good point.... well, not all the time.
I also am reminded constantly that this medium really requires a team to deliver it.

In reading the chat, I became aware of the parallel experience going on beneath our video audio exchange.
and much of it was instructive, valuable to others and connected with our theme. I thank you for that. The chat resource can be just that when the posts are formulated as useful to all..... and Sylvia was ablt to give her attention to it which I could not do.

I believe an ideal team number is three. One more person just to be in charge of button pushing, mics, videos, tech glitches. There will still be challenges but some would be minimised.

Another aspect of using video is the degree that anyone feels comfortable with video exposure. The self-consciousness factor presents a hurdle for some of us. If that is you consider this... everyone you know has seen you and most of them are OK with who you are. The only difference is, you get to see you too! and its a bit of a shock but everyone gets over that.

Dust off your webcams, test your mics do your hair, get the lighting right in advance, silence the kids, dog, telephone spouse....and relax....... Explore the technology by recording and putting your video up, then you will be experienced for the next webinar on tuesday which is going to be on a different platform.... Eluminate.

Get your intro going.

Jo Ann you say whats holding you back is
that you have...
"More time, money, clear objectives, engaging more with peers of similar interests, and projects with defined objectives."
We should all be so lucky. You must be unstoppable.
Thanks for your participation.

As you are each preparing your vlog intro
Have a look here if you didn't already get it off the handout.pdf

and yes Nellie, when you get into it, it can be much faster than writing. In fact dictate your research paper and transcribe it after.
There are quite a few for whom that method works very well... with editting of course for ummm's and ahhhh's.

Which brings me to another point. Those of you who have ever been in Toastmaster's to practice your speaking will recall the "ahhh" counter. In my club we had to pay a quarter for each umm or ahhh we say. Now with video there is no excuse because you can edit them out... unless you want to appear totally natural and ummm not very aaahhhh bright, just kidding.

A suggestion when you make your recording is to become aware of that tendency, if you have it... and instead, pause and breathe in while you think about what you are going to say next.
That generally works very well.

Inspirational step by step how to!
and the great thing about video is you can keep recording it til you get it the way you want.

Thank you for Nellie taking the first risk and for Sylvia for stepping up. You have both brought to light what "Humanizing" is about. It is how you come across as you, "the human" in this medium.

There is always the opportunity to shy away from it, but here we have a forum where it is possible to show up that way, to be seen on the air, as it were.

and each of us has judgements about ourselves that we don't want others to see, whether its a nose, a hair style or lack of intelligence.
Putting those mostly unfounded judgements aside...

...this is a process of self observation as much as anything else. Of having a look at how actually you come across and things you can do to make it be more natural and effective at the same time.

You can post several "takes" here as well. i think this is what they call a "Vlog". Lets explore the possiblility that the forum will be our "vlogesphere" which I understand to be video blogs and keep the tradition going. Its great to have a current context that lets everyone contribute.

Posting videos is the next form of asynchronous chat and may be one of the best ways to use video as the bandwidth for real time still does present some challenges.

Who's next?
Congratulations to Nellie for being first. Who is next...For taking the challenge.
Who knows, this might turn into a reality tv show.... just kidding.
This is our workshop tryout area.

Here is the secret of Humanizing the Online Experience.
You are the human! and although most of us are pretty comfortable being human face to face, Nellie mentioned how challenging it is to be so talking to yourself, to a camera, to people who may or may not be there.

A few tips.
1. Imagine who you are talking, make it in your mind someone you care about.
2. Look into the lens of the camera to make eye contact with your listeners, be sure you know where the lens is.
3. You can script it in advance so you know what you intend to say, but don't read it... give it the feeling of spontaniety.
4. If it is marketing or focussed on motivating students suggest what is in it for them to pay attention to you.

Showing up as an enthusiastic, passionate human on camera is a challenge. It is not the same as live.... and yet it is possible to do it quite well with a little practice.

Have fun practicing. you can cut, paste, edit, take the best take etc.
Given that you could be already at home even when you are on the seminar, the concept of homework takes on a different meaning.

Call it an "invitation". Probably most of you have webcam, video recording capablilities. When you have a look at the pdf document that Sylvia made available take it as a simple fun project to create your "studio".

I saw that Sylvia changed the direction of her webcam. It used to point at a window that made her face completely silouhete (sp?). It was so nice to see her smiling face... wasn't it?

You see, you are or can be a significant part of the delivery of your message. The invitation is to be willing to be seen online, no different than you have to decide what to wear to show up for a meeting. Here you have to decide what to wear and how well your viewers will see and hear you. (lighting and sound)