Posts made by Nick Noakes


I'm wondering about your context a bit more here. Do they know each other personally (have met up at some point)? How long has the group been going and what do you think is the general comfort level with opening up to each other in this way? Could they look at the strengths of what they are doing first and how these might be aligned to increase the strength? Doing this before they go into a deficit 'problem identification/posing - problem solving' approach.

if the internet is a problem, could you do something low commitment / writing like a poll of selected answers to a question or yes/no, agree/disagree, your top 3 concerns from a list etc first to get them going, and leave the posting of longer text (e.g. war stories) till a bit later on?

As I say, I don't know your context so I may be way off base here. Just a thought.
Lovely thread Derek thx :-)

The art for me comes in the listening/reading/observing/reflecting and then deciding when, how and what of intervention ... and when not to intervene. All judgment calls! And this is all draws upon our past experiences - whether these be reading about it, or discussing it, or practicing doing it (in courses), or doing it.
You don't have to do that in Inspiration - each node has 6 or 8 connection points. Just use different ones.

Having said that CMAP is great and if you install CMAP server or you don't mind using their public space, then you can post them for people to work on collaboratively (and CMAP comes in all OS flavours and is free).

You might also want to look at compendium from the UK Open University .. this one is aimed specifically at discussion / argument mapping but can easily be used for the other purposes.