Posts made by Nick Noakes

Just a correction, the titanic metaphor is from Deidre's earlier post.

Re research intensive universities moving away, I think that will depend on contexts in different countries. It is not going to happen, at least in the short term in Hong Kong, as 80% of funding for undergraduate education comes from the Government. The Government is trying to move more of that % to institutions but it is not an easy thing to do in such a small place (I'm at a research intensive institution btw).

Agree both about the need for rapid change and about the titanic nature of academe. To be truthful, I'm not very optimistic due to the international currency of research being the case for the majority of higher ed. I don't think the mainstream will wake up and smell the coffee till it is too late (students have voted with their feet and have left the building and $$ go). If Sony ever bothered to look at the education market ... well! Actually, a part of me hopes such companies will do, as I think it is the wake up call that is needed.