Posts made by Julia Hengstler

Hmmm--makes me think. When the linetype printing press was invented it was too costly for drawings & illustrations, if I remember correctly. Made books affordable but married to high text dependence.  Wonder if there's any primary documents discussing the transition to printing presses affecting the esthetics of a manuscript? Anyone?

I started with my laptop, but moved to my iPhone--screen was too small--then on to iPad when I just wanted to hang out in bed, on ferry, etc. reading. Much smaller--fits in my purse--much lighter & even self-illuminating in a car at night when my husband is driving.

Have to say, though, the nights in the car, I have to lower the illumination as it can be distracting for the driver.

I also really like the haptic interface of touch & swipe while reading. My HP Touchsmart 2 had that, but much bigger/heavier.