Posts made by Julia Hengstler

I think that those loses occur because the data is not replicated & dispersed. How much effort & cost does it take to duplicate data? It's marginal. A few years back I had a catastrophic computer failure--lost the final version of my Thesis per-UMI submission. Thankfully, I shared copies with several friends & colleagues--a few fired a copy back to me. Imagine the value in a important book or manuscript where only 1 copy exists? Julia
I think that those loses occur because the data is not replicated & dispersed. How much effort & cost does it take to duplicate data? It's marginal. A few years back I had a catastrophic computer failure--lost the final version of my Thesis per-UMI submission. Thankfully, I shared copies with several friends & colleagues--a few fired a copy back to me. Imagine the value in a important book or manuscript where only 1 copy exists? Julia
I would argue permanence: think fire at library in Alexandria. Only security our books have over that form is that the printing press ensured various copies stored at various locations. I think that the capability of replication & distribution is far greater with digital formats. Julia