Posts made by John Smith


Actually I need to do that next round of detailed planning. But Monday afternoon sounds like the right time to get connected. I'll post more information about my plans & whereabouts when I figure it out. (Need to see if I can bunk with friends like I thought I could, etc. :- )

Good questions! One alternative would be to just commandeer some space at the conference hotel. By Friday afternoon, the lay of the land should be clear, attendance tends to thin, and requests made face-to-face at the beginning of the week can have been worked out. However, if there are other locations that aren't too far that would be appropriate, there's really no need to meet at the conference. Are there other choices?

I set up a launch pad entry in the CPsquare blog, so that there's a place out on the internet that points here as well as to things like the IRC Channel. I found that FROM THE BLOG ENTRY, when you paste this into your IRC client, it takes you directly to the IRC channel: irc:// (For example in Firefox it will load a Chatzilla window that links directly to the chat. The trick was just knowing how to set up the URL. Moodle helpfully changes an IRC resource type to HTTP.