Posts made by John Smith

Sounds heavy, eh? Here they are in chronological order:

NancyWhite: @4KM yes there a hashtag for the BC online community enthusiasts #oce2009

NancyWhite: Good coffee and chocolate croissants at #OCE2009

smithjd: oops! #oce2009 online community enthusiasts getting organized - people showing up from all over for (expand)

sleslie: at Online Community Enthusiasts day with @currie @draggin and @nancywhite fun times! #oce2009

draggin: im gonna take pics! #oce2009

eLearningCo: NancyWhite: Good coffee and chocolate croissants at #OCE2009 (expand)

smithjd: #oce2009 where are the real technology issues in all these community issues?

smithjd: #oce2009 how design for the me, the we, and the network levels? At the same time? How understand all these levels?

smithjd: #oce2009 what happens inside all those community boxes? how represent it? how much visibility is appropriate?

smithjd: #oce2009 Why did the project succeed? Why did the other fail? Can I ever figure it out?

smithjd: #oce2009 Online communities, online community projects swamped by external f2f events: good or bad? When does online lead? when follow?

smithjd: #oce2009 everbody lives in their own feed reader: doesn't seem like a home. "old tech model" of a common place is being bypassed.

suewolff: @smithjd @nancywhite @currie #oce2009 Just as well I've been offline enough to miss this event, but envious and wishing I was with you!

smithjd: @suewolff #oce2009 you would add so much to this conversation! I can imagine follow-up projects from today that would be online & global

smithjd: #oce2009 Who's not here? How can we bring their voices into the conversation? How do we connect with them outside of this f2f event?

smithjd: #oce2009 what's the best combination of tools / platform for a community hatching? Are there different hatcheries for different groups?

draggin: The right tool for the job, can often be right under your nose.... there is usually some drawing involved. #oce2009

sleslie: #oce2009 I'm overwhelmed. Talking about community is not just an intellectual exercise, need time and space to absorb it, feel it, live it

smithjd: #oce2009 open space sessions. attending a session on "communities and graduate education reform". The ironies ae not lost on me.

draggin: who said that smart thing that time... something about the teacher as a DJ? Genius! #oce2009

smithjd: #oce2009 open space notes here: (expand)

Smart_People: RT @smithjd #oce2009 open space notes here: (expand) [we're in open space with themes such as online CoP space design]

4KM: #oce2009 open space conversation: "create a culture of experimentation"

4KM: If you have to be indoors, this is how to do it. Massive windows in Vancouver heritage bldg; blue sky; lots of colourful graphics #oce2009

smithjd: #oce2009 follow up: how make templates (that can be propagated) of organized pulls of information (like an enhanced OPML file)

4KM: #oce2009 smithjd currently reporting out on our open space session about education reform: inspiration & depression

4KM: #oce2009 Some of the university success stories coming from Pepperdine, Fielding, Canadian exs in this conversation

4KM: I mentioned Pete Kilner's C4P model to support CoPs (connection, conversation, content and context around purpose) #KM #oce2009 1/2

smithjd: #oce2009 follow-up check out indicators of community tag started by @NancyWhite (expand)

4KM: Used model in study of netwk of communities; not surprised his learning was solid! See IGI book in pubn's #KM #oce2009

4KM: Exploring possibility of "field trip" series to online communities: SCOPE & CPsquare might organize collaboratively #oce2009

sleslie: me at the end of the Community Enthusiasts day #OCE2009

smithjd: #oce2009: exciting next steps / cherish the people / nee quiet time/ foundations transitions refelction / stretcher follows emergent

smithjd: #oce2009 happy insipred tickled / find the rythm / ready for digging / surprising diversity of voices/ relationships images notonline

smithjd: #oce2009 netowkr community synergy/ what a mix!!!

4KM: RT @smithjd #oce2009: everyone shared 3-word departure messages such as exciting next steps /cherish the people /structure follows emergence

ekreeger: RT @smithjd:#oce2009 everbody lives in their own feed reader: doesn't seem like a home. "old tech model of a common place being bypassed.

ekreeger: @smithjd:#oce2009 Can you say more about the communities and graduate education reform session?

Currie: Searched Twitter for #oce2009: (expand)

4KM: Listing people we wanted to teleport to #oce2009. @Downes @gsiemens @suethomas exs on my list. Let us know if you wish you'd been there

Smart_People: RT @4KM Listing ppl we wanted to teleport to #oce2009. @Downes @gsiemens @suethomas exs on my list. Let us know if U wish you'd been there

suethomas: @Smart_People is this what you mean #oce2009? looks an interesting place to discuss transliteracy

sleslie: @NancyWhite I agree re: me/we - there is a middle way (as well one between global/local). Someday I may figure it out. Someday. #oce2009

ekreeger: @4KM It sounds like #oce2009 was great! Loved the tweets & wanted more of the conversation, too.
The Formation of Scholars: Rethinking Doctoral Education for the Twenty-First Century (2007) by George Walker, Chris M. Golde, Laura Jones, Andrea Conklin Bueschel, Pat Hutchings. studied 78 institutions. looked at students and faculty together. (Cindy: you should read this the 2nd year in grad school)

Margaret Riehl example of a wiki with assignments to individuals, to the cohort and to "the program". negotiation of meaning.

Force-fitting educational practice into available tools. HOw take digital identity forward from grad school to work? Lack of a priori vocabularies and protocols.

Graduates should be able to leave with intact networks.

Example of Royal Roads course that "contained" CPsquare's Foundations of Communities of Practice workshop as a way of changing the educational model.

Holland, Dorothy C. & Lave, Jean., History in person: enduring struggles, contentious practice, intimate identities (Santa Fe, N.M.: School of American Research Press, 2001) ISBN: 9781930618008; History in Person: An Introduction. by dorothy Holland and Jean Lave.

Searching for cases of success:

* Initiated by students themselves: Patricia Arnold dissertation.
* Initiated by an institution: Linda Polin cohort designs at Masters & Phd levels at Pepperdine.
I'm reminded of this paper, suggesting that assessment itself IS an ongoing practice with all kinds of positive and negative consequences:

Brigitte Jordan and Peter Putz, "Assessment as practice: notes on measures, tests and targets,"
I live in Portland, a little further south in Cascadia. I probably put more time into (my main community project) than I do into (my business).

Recently I've been thinking a lot about wikis and how they connect to communities. So many tricky issues there! At the Recent Changes Camp here in Portland a couple months ago, Ward Cunningham, the inventor of the wiki, made a comment to the effect that, "To a community, 'not done' is good news." I think that's true and yet it's problematic for the organizations that support communities.

I'm excited to spend the day with the group and get to know everybody.