Discussions started by jason toal

As a designer of information and advocate for compelling user experiences, tags (aka 'keywords') present somewhat of a conundrum. A common feature on many popular websites today, tagging is available to users, yet far from compulsory. In fact, you can navigate and get the full use out of a site like youtube for instance, without ever noticing the tags or adding any of your own. Due to the relative simplicity of tagging, there are few instructions available on how to get the most out of the activity, or indeed if there are any individual benefits to tagging whatsoever. This leaves it up to each person to figure out for themselves if and how they will use tags.

The presentation I will be giving this week will try to shed some light on tags in general, and how they may play a part in academic life. Some of the questions to be addressed include...

What are tags?

What are the advantages to tags?

Where is tagging appropriate to be used?

Where do tags fail?

Whats all this about Tag "Clouds"?

I am greatly interested in meeting the needs and interests of the SCoPE audience as well, and with this in mind I'd like to open up the floor for any early birds to ask questions, or suggest perspectives that may be included in our discussion.

Is there a pressing issue you have on your mind about tags?

Do you have an example of tags benefiting (or not) your online endeavors? how?

Please follow this thread for upcoming details, discussions and resources that will all be included in the final presentation.
