Posts made by E.A. Draffan

I think I am both! I am at present working with disabled students on the LexDis project and am surrounded by researchers using all manner of social networking software. I realised there were, as with any on-line collaboration, highs and lows, as well as usability and accessibility issues and have been looking into the pros and cons with TechDis and folks in the Learning Societies Lab here at University of Southampton.
Best wishes E.A.
I am afraid I have been lurking, but I thought I would jump in here just to say that we have been grappling with copyright issues as we have a project that will be portraying lecturers work and accessibility issues. Sadly we are having to make up examples rather to use real ones to avoid copyright issues. JISC have a useful online interactive copyright activity

Best wishes E.A.

Those of us who run projects in Higher Education spend days agonising about logos and how we will badge our websites. wink 

Testing the latest project's logo can take much discussion by the coffee machinesmile with fears of looking like an electronic company's trade mark or getting the initials in the wrong order and failing to get Google hits thoughtful!  We want our project to get our there after all the hard work and, lets be honest, we want it to be recognised in the community and for it to allow the department to gain more research money or grants etc! blush

Best wishes from E.A. who is desperately trying to design a website at the moment for an HE project!

I am an assistive technologist working in a research lab at Southampton University where we have e-prints holding all our publications from many journals etc - offering free access to all.

I love sharing and when you ask what I own - well some would probably say it was rather a lot of junk!

I am probably going to have to lurk much of the time whilst this session is happening as I must write up a collection of student transcripts. I will be making use of audio and text quotes for an on-line resource that will be linking to all sorts of other resources! It will available to all so there may be issues there ...

I am also very interested in all you say Cristina, as I am often giving presentations and use cartoons and images from others - I always say who drew the cartoon and provide a weblink. The PowerPoints are only used for educational purposes and never make money... But I am sure I am contravening some laws?

Best wishes E.A.

I have to say accessibility and usability issues are the reason why I want to experiment before committing to some of the Web 2.0 applications.   To test the ease with which students can add materials as well as read or download them once they are on a website. 

I feel the output would fall under UK's DDA and we have the Disability Equality Duty for public sector bodies.

Best wishes E.A.