Posts made by E.A. Draffan

So changing to something quite specific - if we are looking at RSS feeds - I am wondering which is the best way of achieving these reminders in a way that allows us to catalogue the important bits of news and get rid of the rest?
  • Receive them in your e-mail client?
  • Read them in a Browser?
  • Read them in a dedicated application?
  • Read and store them on-line somewhere?

Here is the - 'Top 10 Free Windows RSS Feed Readers / News Aggregators'

Just gone to the link beneath your signature Nik and can't thank you enough for your latest update about Text to speech and animations. I am passing it around as it could be so useful for disabled students. smile Now is when I put it in Tiddlywiki but I should use RSS feeds more often! I try to curtail the stream of 'stuff' most of the time and yet I need it to keep up to date so still not sure what are the best combinations?
I am E.A. Draffan from the other side of the pond and have been lurking on Scope over the last few months - still should not spend too much time chatting but this seemed such an important topic I could not resist joining up! I am working at the University of Southampton and have particular interests in the ease of use and accessibility of on-line collaboration tools. it is all totally overwhelming as many have said and organising my own research and interests has become a nightmare so chaos reigns on my desktop. I tend to put notes in my own Tiddlywiki but must improve my skills on the data management side. I have also been working with TechDis to produce a list of the accessibility issues that arise with some of the software. Web2Access is going to be growing with time but here are the applications I have looked at so far. My main project at the moment is LexDis and you will see from the student strategies that some relate to issues of collaboration. The content of this site will also be growing as fast as I can add the data! smile So I am also looking for practical ways to manage information overload and to see if I can become more systematic about data collection - perhaps using the LexDis website as a way of helping others at the same time!
Yes Please - if an extension to the discussion is possible that would be great to allow time for reading the book when it arrives!

JISC have some learning activity links and several people have looked at the various learning style theories in terms of application to online learning.

We did not find them that helpful when it came to trying to match learning activities and Web 2.0 applications. We have tried Richard Caladine MOLTA ideas and adapted them so we have four categories: PM - Provision of Material, AM - Alteration of Material- (Activities which allow the distribution of material to students), IF&S - Interaction between Facilitator and Students (Any interaction or dialogue that takes place between students and facilitators (tutors, teachers)), IA - Intra-action (all actions with application other than the above such as tagging, RSS feeds etc.)

Please please has anyone made a better set of categories for the activities - which are in my mind the next layer and we have about 34 of them for 140 web based interactive applications.
Best wishes E.A.
I am afraid this is and they are right! Sadly, on many occasions, we do not get instant access to items published in USA! But I will go and add to the other thread in relation to learning activities as we have been working on this aspect of linking Web 2.0 applications to a model of sorts, but sadly not related to your ideas as we await the book!
Best wishes E.A.