Posts made by Catherine Fichten

[SCoPE] Adapt -> Accessibility of eLearning -> Definitions

by Catherine Fichten -

Hello from Montreal! As this is my first post, I would like to join Jennison in welcoming you to our seminar. Based on the introductions so far, we have a great variety of experience and insight among us.

Before discussing the research itself, we thought it important to provide the working definitions used in our three-year investigation. This way, as we discuss results, you will have an appreciation of where we are coming from. These definitions were also provided to research participants.

We defined eLearning as the range of information and communication technologies that professors use when teaching their courses in the classroom, online, or a combination of both. Examples include PowerPoint used in the classroom, online tests, CD-ROMs, and course management systems (e.g., WebCT).

We defined accessibility as the ability of learners, regardless of their disability, to easily and independently use eLearning. For some, this may include the use of adaptive hardware (e.g., an adapted mouse) or adaptive software (e.g., software that reads what is on the screen).
