Posts made by Nalin Abeysekera

In sri Lanka we have been trained through Distance Education Partnership Programme - DEPP (, We National Online Distance Education Service (NODES) Community and once you login there ( you can identify how well Dr. Chulantha Kulasekara and the staff doing continuously develop the knowledge of the community.. DEPP always focus on Tutoring and Mentoring (Assess the required knowledge and skills of tutors and mentors, develop job descriptions, undertake training programmes, and create training materials, and present a plan for recruiting, selecting and monitoring performance of tutors)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

And at Open University in Sri Lanka we have been trained under Capacity Enhancement Programme (OUSL-CE).Still this is new to the country and I know other universities of the system too conducting programs.

once we are taking about the e-learning we should talk abour the distance learning and the context.herewith i attached onre pdf from The Rockefeller Foundation about
Distance education and e-learning for developing countries,which discussed Appropriate target groups,Greatest need,Appropriate technology,Conditions for success....

here with i attached the persenation made by  Muhammad Asif Hossain Khan at Department of Computer Science & Engineering,University of Dhaka, Bangladesh on "Barriers in Promoting e-Learning in Developing Countries: A Case Study on Bangladesh"-As Reasons Behind Limited Use he mentioned Unawareness of the Benefits,Few Internet Users etc.More importantly he discusses Prospective Areas for e-Learning
Barriers Likely to be Faced etc.


Muhammad Asif Hossa

Income distribution also I think one facet of problem in the developing countries like sri lanka. In our country 40% of the income consumed by the 10% of people while 10% of income consumed by 40% of the people. Once you are in the village taking about e-Learning some might laugh at you ….(25% of the people don’t have electricity) .But as  I mentioned earlier out literacy rate is 90% despite of some hardships. I think it is our responsibility that to create awareness of e-Learning specially towards  children. Because it will affects to the efficiency as well as effectiveness of them in future.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />



Dear Neillie,

In our university we are using moodle as learning management system.i think it is a free LMS.I think specially in developing countries moodle might be the LMS to start with once you are considering the cost associating with.though there are some problems we are doing well with it.