Posts made by Emma Duke-Williams

I've now finally watched all the videos - thanks.

I was impressed, I have to say, with the patience of the class who'd given in questions at the end of one class, to be answered the following week! I've tended to find that students (any nationality) want an answer much more quickly than "next week" - though I could see that a combination of that & answering them on the VLE or whatever the Uni has later that day/the next day would provide a useful alternative (and might encourage the students to use the VLE discussion boards, if they're reluctant users, as many of mine are [though I don't blame them if they're on campus students!]). Also useful in that if it's complex material, then being able to read it as many times as you want could help students who're having difficulty understanding.

Also good to see the view point of the International Students who, as far as I could tell, wanted to learn how to adapt to a Canadian way of study, rather than expecting lecturers to adapt to theirs, but just didn't quite know what / who to ask.
That's the one I was trying that had the 8001 port; I'll try when I get home.

By the way, I sent you two emails from my work a/c yesterday - one was 'undeliverable' - but I couldn't tell which one - or even if it was sending the one message to cover them both. It was a reply to the message you sent following the previous seminar.

I think my understanding of Universal design would be related to the point that EA makes - it grew, as far as web design goes, from Accessible design, but where "accessibility" focussed on ensuring those with disabilities could use the site, Universal design is aimed to ensure that everyone can use the site - so, that's where cultural awareness would come in - and it's also used for things other than just websites.

Re: Nick's point about students expecting to be 'taught' - I'm increasingly seeing that in English (not sure about the rest of the UK) students -those who've come up through the testing at 7/11/14/16/17/18 regime - wanting to know what they have to do to 'pass'. In some cases, it's the English students who expect 'teaching' even more than some of the international ones.
I very much enjoyed the session last night, thanks to Emma & Kyra.

I started watching the videos - but found they broke up rather, so thought I'd try downloading them instead - however, it keeps hanging. Do you know if there's a temporary problem with the server (12:30 pm UK time), or is it more likely to be that work is objecting to the port (8001) that they're on?

I'll try at home this evening to download them.
