Posts made by Sylvia Currie

Here's the full text chat from the virtual kick-off session. Some good resources were shared.

Oct 12, 2012 11:04:07 AM - SCOPE - COMMUNITY EVENTS 

01:28 - Sylvia Currie

01:40 - CogDog
Hi Sylvia!

01:51 - Sylvia Currie
Hi Alan! :-)

01:54 - CogDog
yo CLint and D'Arcy

02:01 - dlnorman

02:17 - Clint Lalonde (RRU)

03:51 - Scott Leslie

03:54 - Clint Lalonde (RRU)
Love that image

04:02 - Pete Forsyth

04:04 - CogDog
Can you make sure the weather is sunny?

04:05 - Don Presant
Is that the fault opening up?

04:05 - Sylvia Currie
neat. Earth art!

04:25 - Scott Leslie
Arash can't join us

04:41 - Scott Leslie
Chris Pegler having tech troubles

05:08 - Sylvia Currie
Yay, Chris is now here

05:22 - Chris Pegler 4
Thanks Sylvia :-)

06:26 - Colin Madland (TRU - Course Management Strategies)

06:38 - Paul Stacey

08:38 - CogDog
how do we remix this?

09:51 - Pete Forsyth
uh oh, I lost audio there

09:59 - CogDog
just back

10:00 - Cable Green (CC)

10:00 - Scott Leslie
seems to be back yes

10:01 - Pete Forsyth
it's back, never mind :)

10:02 - Sylvia Currie
seems to be back

10:05 - Catherine Novak
how might what?

10:06 - Chris Pegler 4
I lost the last part of that question, Can hear you

10:57 - Verena Roberts
Hi Colin - I will look forward to chatting with you. I am working on TheOC@ADLC in Canvas as well - so I can see some areas where we can connect. @verenanz

11:32 - Colin Madland (TRU - Course Management Strategies)
I would LOVE to be surprised

11:39 - Don Presant
Can we talk about the use of Canvas in this context? Why Canvas?

11:55 - CogDog
lost audio here

12:18 - CogDog
audio back

13:07 - Don Presant

13:19 - Colin Madland (TRU - Course Management Strategies)
and Canvas is open...

13:30 - Scott Leslie
no they are not

13:57 - Verena Roberts
I chose canvas for same reason - instructor bridge with tech & Learning Analytics & I'm in k12

13:57 - Pete Forsyth
jane's here :)

14:05 - Pete Forsyth
or, she was...

14:25 - Cable Green (CC)
and we're launching a School of Open:

14:41 - Cable Green (CC)

15:15 - Sylvia Currie
Welcome back, Jane!

15:29 - Jane
sorry, my internet connection

15:33 - CogDog
love this

15:38 - Jane
i'm happy to talk in place of philipp/ahrash anytime :)

16:12 - Jane
Remix any of to create a course as part of

17:37 - Chad
Holy list of resources Jane! (see above link)

19:07 - Jane
here are the guidelines for how to create a school of open course as well:

19:39 - Sara Frank Bristow (CommOER)
Hi everybody. I represent this project too.

19:52 - Scott Leslie
Hi Sara!

20:12 - Sara Frank Bristow (CommOER)

21:58 - Paul Stacey

22:03 - Catherine Novak
Glad you plugged the need for contributors on Wikipedia.

24:26 - Sara Frank Bristow (CommOER)
We are of course working on OER articles in particular. :) See the "Content" tab for top-priority OER articles at the moment (subject to change).

24:54 - Clint Lalonde (RRU)
Great project

25:11 - Sylvia Currie

25:58 - Cable Green (CC)

26:04 - Sara Frank Bristow (CommOER)
Hear hear

26:12 - Cable Green (CC)
Great project Sara and Pete

26:39 - Cable Green (CC)
I can speak briefly to this one...

29:34 - Pete Forsyth
just reading the happy messages about Communicate OER above -- thanks all! And, smacking my forehead for neglecting to introduce Sara, who is a central figure & resource in this project!

32:26 - Scott Leslie
Jacques is not able to attend conference

32:31 - Scott Leslie
but I left his material in

33:55 - Paul Stacey

37:09 - Pete Forsyth
I'm curious -- is there any concern about respecting copyright? Is this anarchy? :) Seeking to understand, not criticize.

37:54 - Scott Leslie
Depends what you think "anarchy" is...

38:47 - Don Presant
Is there no curation at the time, just file dumping?

39:09 - Cable Green (CC)

39:25 - Cable Green (CC)

39:31 - Pete Forsyth
Ah, I understand -- you are requesting that we upload our *own* stuff. That helps. Thanks for clarifying!

40:54 - Pete Forsyth
this is really cool. Thanks!

41:07 - Don Presant
You make it easier to browse...then later remix

41:28 - Don Presant
I like it

41:41 - CogDog #3
I have some remix examples

42:14 - Jane
the default license at is CC BY NC-SA

43:08 - Don Presant

43:43 - Jane
just wiki

43:48 - Jane
other content is BY-SA i think

44:58 - Scott Leslie
don't think he made it

45:38 - Kathi Fletcher
Paul can you repeat the link to the scope discussion forum?

45:41 - Scott Leslie
there are actually 2 books -Peeragogy, and Paragogy -

46:38 - Sylvia Currie

46:50 - CogDog #3
Link for TreasureBox at OpenEd

47:04 - CogDog #3
I have a dropbox / email for submitting stuff ahead of time

47:38 - Chad
Gotta run, but just want to say thanks for all you creating a space for open. I work for a non-profit and this work has reached well beyond the formal education arena.

48:00 - Kathi Fletcher
My group, OERPUB, is designing and building anopen source, customizable OER editor. We are doing UI testing during the conference and would love to have participation.

49:08 - Scott Leslie
that's great Kathi!

49:25 - Clint Lalonde (RRU)
To all involved (Scott, Paul, Sylvia et al), thank you for organizing this. Should be fun!

49:37 - Scott Leslie
the other one I will mention is as a remix tool

49:46 - Cable Green (CC)

50:23 - Cable Green (CC)

50:25 - Sylvia Currie
Thanks for facilitating this Paul!

50:27 - Kathi Fletcher
An out of date video of what we are working on -- (editing note: replaced link originally shared in chat with one shared after the recording stopped. Sylvia)

50:27 - Clint Lalonde (RRU)
There is also I haven't worked with it

50:28 - Scott Leslie
thanks Paul for leading this session, and to all - Good luck!

50:30 - Chris Pegler 4
Thanks and good travel everyone

50:30 - Jane
thank you paul!

50:32 - Clint Lalonde (RRU)
But looks promisiong

50:33 - Jane
that was great

50:33 - Colin Madland (TRU - Course Management Strategies)
I'll export my course and link it on my homepage

50:38 - Don Presant
Thx, looking forward to next week!

50:39 - CogDog #3
cya next week

50:41 - Kathi Fletcher
and -- will have info about our sessions

50:43 - Clint Lalonde (RRU)

50:44 - Pete Forsyth

50:45 - Colin Madland (TRU - Course Management Strategies)

50:47 - Kathi Fletcher
bye all

50:47 - Hilda Anggraeni

Thanks to everyone who joined in the Kick-Off session on Friday! We had 26 participants and a really good overview of the OER projects ready to be remixed. 

The full Blackboard Collaborate recording (including chat) is available, as well as the slides.

The recording has also been uploaded to - a format that is handy for mobile devices.