Discussions started by Sylvia Currie

Welcome to the Culturally Diverse Learners seminar!

About this seminar:

During this 3-week seminar we will be sharing and discussing a video series developed at Thompson Rivers University. These filmed scenarios aim to address the needs of educators and students to enhance intercultural competencies by providing a spring board for dialogue and reflection on best practices for intercultural learning environments.


This SCoPE seminar combines a 3-week asynchronous forum discussion with two 1-hour live sessions in Elluminate: http://tinyurl.com/tru-cdl
  • Monday, April 12, 12:00 PST, 19:00 GMT
  • Monday, April 26, 12:00 PST, 19:00 GMT
About our facilitators:

Kyra Garson is an intercultural consultant, and works through the Centre for Teaching and Learning and TRU world on a variety of initiatives to internationalize TRU. She is the primary author of TRU: A Globally Minded Campus—A Resource for Academic Departments, as well as a suite of other resources to encourage a culturally inclusive campus. Kyra facilitates workshops for students, faculty, and staff to build intercultural competencies and is committed to gaining recognition for this increasingly important skill set in academic settings.

Emma Bourassa is in the Faculty of Student Development at TRU where she teaches a number of courses in ESL and Multicultural Communication. She has taught in both the K-12 and post secondary sectors, and in other countries. In addition to her interests in Intercultural communication she also has a background in visual and dramatic arts, which she obviously put to good use in making this series!

Wesley Eccleston is the Theatre Coordinator for the department of Visual and Performing Arts and directs the annual TRU Actors' Workshop. His areas of interest include environmental scenography and he actively promotes the development of drama through his participation with municipal and provincial arts organizations.

Participating in SCoPE seminars
SCoPE seminars are free and open to the public, and registration is not required. You are welcome to come and go according to your schedule and interests. To contribute you will need to create an account on the SCoPE site -- a quick process. Are you new to SCoPE or wondering how to manage your participation? Check this resource.

If you have any questions about participating in SCoPE don't hesitate to ask here in the forum, or get in touch with me directly:
Sylvia Currie, SCoPE Coordinator
scurrie@bccampus, skype:webbedfeat, 250-318-2907
Welcome! You've arrived at this forum because you've heard about the Gathering of Online Community Enthusiasts event on May 6th, 2010. This is the place to ask questions and offer suggestions! Feel free to start new discussion topics. You might also want to subscribe to this forum via RSS or email to keep up-to-date on plans.

Here are a few details about the day:

What: Gathering of Online Community Enthusiasts
Nancy White (http://www.fullcirc.com/) and Alice MacGillivray (http://www.4KM.net) will be co-facilitating. John Smith (http://learningalliances.net/) will be joining us virtually for part of the day.

Who: People interested in online communities

Where: Vancouver, venue TBA

When: May 6, 2010. Plan for 9:00 - 3:30, with the possibility of continuing the conversation elsewhere.

Cost: The event is free and lunch is provided, so your costs includes travel and the cost of the book.

As many of you know CPsquare, the community of practice on communities of practice, and SCoPE are working together to organize virtual Quarterly Field Trips. The practice of visiting communities has a long history in and around CPsquare, and during the 2009 Online Community Enthusiast event in Vancouver, British Columbia we decided to organize these field trips as a way to provide opportunities for a mutual exchange among community leaders and enthusiasts. Tourists (enthusiasts) can get ideas and insights from seeing other communities, and the tour guides (leaders) can benefit from the expertise of the enthusiasts.

Our third field trip is scheduled for February 22, 2010 at 20:00 GMT. This excursion, outlined in the CPSquare Wiki, will be to the Wikisourcing Sustainable Enterprises (WSE) community. Host Jenny Ambrozek will show us the WSE community as it is today using this informal community comparison framework adapted from the C4P model for our quarterly field trips:
  • Content: What explicit knowledge objects such as documents or video clips are created or shared in this community?
  • Connections: What interpersonal contacts between community members (e.g., that facilitate relationship-building between community members) can you observe?
  • Conversation: What face-to-face or online conversations are going on?
  • Context: What context gives meaning to the content, connections and conversations in this community?
  • Purpose: What is the reason for which the members come together in this community?
When: Monday, February 22, 2010 at 12:00 PST, 20:00 GMT (your time zone) Where: SCoPE Community Enthusiasts Elluminate Room

It's open to everyone so spread the word!
During our live session Tracy showed an introductory post done several ways -- one as plain text, the second combined text and images, the third used images and voice in a PowerPoint presentation, and the final one using video.

Some felt that it might be too much to ask some learners to create elaborate multimedia introductory posts. Depending on what tools and services you use it can get pretty complicated with uploading, downloading, creating accounts, embedding, resizing, web shareable file formats...the list goes on.

I thought I'd start a new thread to really zone in on examples of posts that use free and easy tools. It would also be interesting to explore what we mean by easy. thoughtful Sometimes even creating an account on a website can be a barrier (and also raises other issues like where information is stored, what is shared, will you notice an increase in spam email, etc)