Posts made by Janet Salmons

When we communicate online today, we often use images or media as part of the exchange. The fact that every smartphone has a camera (and video camera) means we can record even casual observations and share them easily with someone, a group or the public. These posted images are one kind of data collected by many who use observational research methods.

But visual exchange is also beneficial for interview researchers.Qualitative Online Interviews contains a full chapter about visual interviews.  I've created a "Typology of Visual Online Methods" (2010, 2012, 2015) and you can read a brief introduction. (See Chapter 1 from Cases in Online Interview Research, which is online here. The description starts on page 23.) I've also recorded an overview you can watch:

On Monday, May 12, 2014 at 17:00 GMT (1:00 PM in EDT) I will offer a webinar about visually-rich online interviews. I will demonstrate techniques using a variety of techniques and technologies. We'll also discuss visual methods for online research in this forum. Please post your thoughts, questions, favorite resources or examples!


Visual Communication in Interviews

Interesting questions, Linda! Three points in response:

  1. We do communicate with non-verbal signals online-- in different ways. See Chapter 1 of Online Interviews in Real Time, available online:, starting on page 6. We need different literacies to understand the communications.
  2. If you want facial expressions etc., you can conduct interviews using a videoconference exchange in Skype or Google Hangout.
  3. For increased credibility, I recommend more than one exchange. Instead of one big, long interview, have some email/text exchanges, an interview, some observations if the person is active on social media. For one thing you can build trust and rapport. For another you can triangulate your data.

Any of those ideas make sense for your research?


A respected colleague, John Latham, recently released a free ebook on research design titled: The Research Canvas: A Framework for Designing and Aligning the “DNA” of Your Study. 
The book is free, just sign up on his website to get the download and subsequent updates on the book,