Posts made by Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers

Hi Terry, and all the Organizers and Participants,
As we near the end of this very exciting conference, I really want to thank everyone for being there in so many ways and contributing your ideas.

I have really got to appreciate the many possibilities of e-learning. I added Seven Strength in the Wiki, and I followed a long process to develop the ideas I added -- letting them come in art and then, words. What came is the layers of e-learning and our interactions with technology and each other.

I especially want to let all the international folks that e-mailed me, that I am particularly touched by all their contributions to the conference. I think there is much to be done, and I know that we need everyone in many areas of e-learning development, training and learning.

Research participation is an important part of creating wise and creative e-learners and it may also helps with funding.

Thanks again everyone. Jo Ann
Hi Michael,
It would be a good idea to tally from the participant profiles in the categories --
-ed tech and ID folk -then profs of/directors ed tech and educational researchers, then k-12 educators, then college higher ed -- as you mention.

I think this conference is a start in the right direction even though the numbers are probably disproportionate. People are busy and we are missing many people, but I appreciate those that came online for a rather long conference (3 weeks).

Also, I really liked what you said about e-performance and that it includes much more than e selection and us of DLT. At this time, that is my experience as both a grad student, a contracted distance educator, and as a person who is on committees online and gets supervision online. Many of us are probably in multiple categories, and these categories may be secondary to where we are going with e-learning, however, they influence what is our present focus. I think, that's why I like to get out of my narrow focuses and hear others in a conference like this. Jo Ann

Hi Nellie,
Thank you for posting me. It was my understanding that the focus was to be on Pan Canadian e-learning in a broad sense, but that international input was wanted and desired. In the e-world, we do need many perspectives and certainly I appreciate all the involvement that you have had in this conference. I do not consider myself advanced in this area, but learning as I go. I think the Pan Canadian emphasis is only because I think it is time that Canadians communicate about important e-learning directions. I am hoping more connections are formed internationally and within Pan Canadaian e-learning.
Jo Ann