Posts made by caren levine

Three weeks went by so fast! Thanks to everyone who contributed to this discussion and shared their thoughts, models, and resources on this complex topic. I have been re-reading our postings and find that there are a few more ideas brimming up for me which I hope to share beyond our official end date.

One of my big "take aways" occurred to me during our webinar: one thing we can do as informal learning providers is to help make explicit to our learners how they assess and understand their own learning. These "infrastructure" skills can serve to strengthen their engagement in lifelong learning (formal, informal, nonformal and all their fuzzy nooks).

Thank you again for this opportunity to learn with you!
Whether you just joined this seminar or have been with us since the beginning, please join us on Friday for a live webinar!

The webinar will provide us with an opportunity to dig into themes and case studies that are emerging in our conversations.

Click the link to enter the webinar on Elluminate.
Click the link to check your time zone.

Please note: We recommend that you log on at least 10 minutes before the start time to address any technical issues.

(Edited by Sylvia Currie - original submission Wednesday, 22 April 2009, 04:46 PM -- edited GMT time )

I came across this in a recent Stephen Downe's OLDaily post - here is a link to his recent presentation at on Providing Learning in Social Networks about adaptive learning systems in a rapidly changing learning world. May be some interesting pieces to tease out for our discussion.
John, I know you have been involved with a series of conference calls on CPSquare with Davee Evans of Wikipedia.

I'm thinking that Wikipedia is a type of self-guided learning resource. I'm wondering if there are any insights from the Wikipedia community about how they evaluate their work from the perspective of user learning experiences? Anything to glean from them? Thoughts?
I've been reflecting on themes and issues that are emerging in our discussions. I tried to capture them below - feel free to add:
  • Impact of blended learning in corporate and academic settings
  • Evaluating lifelong learning opportunities
  • Impact of social media on elearning
  • 3D (virtual worlds) learning and evaluation
  • Shifts in thinking about the relationships between formal and informal learning
  • Opportunities to rethink evaluation in learning
I'm wondering if anyone has models or case studies that they would like to share as we move into Week Two? Perhaps you would like to think out loud with the community about an evaluation you are about to undertake? Or perhaps you have an evaluation model to share that has served you well?

Other additions and ideas welcome! (just thinking out loud myself...)