Posts made by Scott Leslie

Apologies for not responding to each and every introduction, but please don't feel any less welcomed! It's fantastic to see so many people here, from such diverse backgrounds. I am especially gratified to see many people from outside North America. Personally my own understanding of OER has been greatly assisted by meeting with people from, and traveling to, other places in the world, and I hope you will share some perspectives on the needs you are seeing in your own communities, and ways for OER to better respect local knowledge and local needs. This for me is a huge and ongoing challenge that I think will not only have a positive effect on open education, but on education in general! So welcome all.
So please don't stop adding to the "What does 'Open' mean to you?" thread, there's some great stuff in there already, but I thought I'd start up another thread coming at this from a different, more practical, angle. I am interested to know

How do you currently find OER? Where do you go to find them? Got a favourite site? Favourite search engine? Share it here!

Or, if you don't know where to find them, why not ask others about something specific you are looking for. Have a particular topic you teach and want to know where to look for additional resources? Let us know and maybe someone can help.

I'm hoping that in addition to building up a set of resources and techniques, that we can maybe add to the wiki page, we can start to dig into the issue that *how* you look and find things can be as important as *where*. I'm a big believer that if finding, storing and reusing OER are seen as some 'extra' work, outside of your normal workflow, then you'll tend to be less effective with them, but that there are new 'network' ways of learning and working, that if we start to work this way then incorporating OER just becomes another part of life on the network. I'll try to expand on this as we start to share how and where we currently find OER.