Posts made by Sue Wolff

Deirdre, I am so glad you joined in! I read your blog from time to time, and with my new position will need to start a blogroll with yours on it.

Could you say more about what groups the medical practitioners want you to join? What do you do? Do you pick and choose, or just say no? And is your sense of overwhelm about the whole "online world" or just the sheer number of group requests? Really curious.
Welcome Stephen and Nik! Such seasoned folk with still a mind for learning new snippets. You are far across the pond, but so is Bronwyn who is facilitating the Voice Thread in this seminar.

Stephen, I would be interested to know what communities besides this one in SCoPE you find helpful for learning more about facilitation. Did you take the survey? Even though it strays a little bit away from managing multimembership, maybe you could start a thread to collect a specific list of facilitation communities. One lens we hope comes up here is what strategies community designers need to make provision for in order to help people manage THEIR multimemberships, including ways to get back into things when they have been away. (That's another posible thread -feel free anybody.)

Nik, you echo Jeffrey's discipline on keeping a clean email box, even deleting some unread, but how does Blogger help you manage the multimembership? Look for a new thread or start one on How Tos and answer there so we can make the strategies easy to find. (I asked Karen, maybe she will in a day or two.)
Welcome Karen! I like that you identified yourself as a "3rd year lurker".

You bring up a very interesting point regarding motivation and engagement in social networks - the access and connection to diverse and valued perspectives. Jo Ann mentioned appreciation of interdisciplinary conversations, and Jeffrey has more friends he socializes with online than off. We might be uncovering some themes here already about why, but we want to get to the hows too, and we will.

Would you please start a new thread titled, "How do we manage? Precisely..." or "Maximizing involvement". Invite people to list their advice, and maybe we will start to get a list of 'drastic strategies', as Jeffrey put it.
Welcome Heather, Jeffrey, and Jo Ann, and thanks for starting us off with some insights focused around people priorities.

Heather, I can relate to your comment about a low participation to join ratio, but wonder where the line would be drawn on what counts as participation. If we include a membership in our peripheral awareness, are we not participating? Your post reminded me of a diagram I made to illustrate my network involvement priorities, and it prompted a blog post.

Many things vie for our attention, but I liked what you said Jo, about "letting some things go and being more present in the moment." That goes with what Heather said about not feeling guilty.

Jeffrey, I was not surprised to hear you are more involved professionally online than f2f, but I did not know you considered yourself more involved socially online than f2f too. Jo alluded to needing to intentionally balance or she might feel that way. I think I have felt like you for the past few years now. Is it the nature of our professions that draw us out so easily online?