Discussions started by Christine Horgan



Other than Mozilla's Badge Backpack (an interesting concept), where are people "storing" their badges? What's the digital equivalent of the girl guide badge sash?

Where are people starting to "note" their badges? (a) On their Linked In page (perhaps under professional development), (b) on their resumes under professional development, (c) intheir e-portfolios?

And . . . are people noting badges under professional development or moving toward a new section on their resume/e-portfolio? (and if the latter, what are the typical titles?)

Thanks, Chris

Sylvia: I was looking through the various threads to catch up on what I might have missed and spotted the Suggestions for promotion topic in the "Quick View of SCoPE ideas....."

How is SCoPE presently promoted?

I did, as I often do, stumbled across SCoPE quite by accident. Despite singing its virtues to many curriculum folks here at SAIT, as far as I know I'm the only SAIT person active or lurking in SCoPE.

Perhpas it's time to take the show on the road and deliver talks at some educational conferences (EduCAUSE comes to mind and one other that is connected to the Hewlett-Packard foundation but the name just won't come to me right now).

Cheers, Chris


I hope my question isn't too much off topic--I do think it's related. One of the trends I'm noticing in faculty development is self-directed, on-line PD....it's very much grass roots, very much informal. The PD is acknowledged, but there's not formal organization or additional support from Faculty Development. I may be answering my own question here, but it seems to me that a PD collaboratory is part of formal faculty development....it's happening in some places, so what is it about those institutions that encourages faculty to venture into the arena of non-traditional PD ?

Thanks, Chris

(Edited by Sylvia Currie Split from the welcome thread to make a new discussion topic - original submission Thursday, 21 August 2008, 03:14 PM)


I have asked our library to purchase the textbook as it looks as though it will have value to others in my organization, which means I may not have access to the textbook until long after this conference ends.

So, I'll wade in with a question. Curt & Ke, if my question is taking the conference in an unplanned direction, you have my permission to rein me in.

I'm looking at Curt and Ke's colourful diagram (circular model of R2D2) and realize it and the Learning Cycle (motivate, comprehend, practice, and apply) may hold the key to the question(s) I'm struggling to articulate this morning (but I have yet to have my morning cup of coffee).

Not very articulate, but here goes:

- can anyone pass along any wisdom around how we encourage Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to stretch beyond the cookie-cutter model for on-line course design/development that seems to have become an accepted standard?

- are there a couple of small, manageable, tried-and-true activities (beyond threaded discussions, read-and-report-back, animated objects/examples, etc.) that can add value to the course for learner and facilitator?

Thanks, Chris Horgan


This week, I've had the opportunity to look at many different and interesting (even for an English major!) science learning objects...some of which take a lot of time and cost a chunk of money to produce.

A little background information might help put my question in context.

When I read the copyright statements/terms of use/terms of fair use statements on many educational sites (for example OWL at Purdue) I become very concerned about linking to some of the excellent objects that we could clearly use to support our courses.

Conversations with our copyright officer make me even more concerned about what is fair, educational, and non-commerical (a course is, afterall, commercial) use for on-line courses. We do ask to use a specific item in an on-line course, naturally, but--to give just a recent example--we were denied permission because we were wanting to link to a resource from within a WebCT-delivered course.

So, my question: How are folks in the science community, or those teaching online science courses, able to use science learning objects in their online courses?

Copyright laws are (in principle) the same, but the application various by country...so just in case it's useful information, I'm in Canada.

Many thanks, Cheers, Chris