Posts made by Jennifer Jones

From Introductions by hmross on Sunday, June 01, 2008 7:14:00 PM:
Greetings, everyone! This is so exciting to see. I'm glad we've got participants with a wide range of experience.

Where do you work and what is your position there?
I work at Bellingham Technical College as the eLearning Director.

Through what methods do you receive / take part in professional development?
I receive most of my PD through social networking, although I do attend the occasional conference and meeting. I rarely attend workshops and training sessions.

What methods are working and which ones aren't?
Personally, I enjoy learning online and through social connections. I don't do well sitting still for long periods of time and I like being able to filter my learning myself!

I can't wait to jump into this session and learn from all of you.
My original blog post about VPD can be found here, for those of you interested in learning more about my particular observations. It explains more about what VPD is, or can be. I think the most important part of the post is the comments that followed. From there, you will find links to others who have discovered they are already doing VPD. You are probably are too, but haven't found a way to identify it yet. To continue the conversation, please share your thoughts with the group. Some of the activities below may be a good starting point:

1. After reading the blog post and others, share what pieces resonated with you and your current PD situation.
2. If you couldn't relate to anything discussed in the post or comments, please share your thoughts and why VPD may not be a viable option for you.
3. Follow some of the links in the comments, or perform your own search and share links you find to other VPD sites.