Posts made by Jennifer Jones

Philip Watland brought up an interesting point about discussing pedagogy before technology when it comes to VPD. Many instructors try to replicate f2f instruction in the online classroom. How can we use VPD methods to help stimulate discussion around appropriate pedagogical considerations with instructional technology? It's highly possible for "viral" discussions to also spread knowledge and information that can be detrimental to learning. Do you think VPD can be used for pedagogical instruction?
I thought the "following" thing was creepy at first too. Now I have 877 people following me and it's nice to be able to get instant answers to questions. When I posted asking what the big deal was with Flip cameras, I got about 10 positive responses and that helped me advise admin here about it. It's especially helpful when I'm in a PD session and don't know answers to things. Of course, it's not useful when it's blocked on our network in the classroom!
I think I've discovering there's a link between VPD and object-centered sociality. If there's not an "object" to center on for discussion, the social side of the network lags. That may be why some networks start out strong and then dwindle.
For my personal professional development, I use the following:

Twitter - I know it seems crazy, but this is the tool that enables me to connect with people all of the world who are much smarter and informed than I am! I've been using it for more than a year, so have been able to customize my network to my needs. It takes a while to get started. You're welcome to check out my contacts and follow them for a jump start! I'll give you fair warning that I post more than most people and it isn't always work related, but that's how I have been able to develop strong professional relationships.
My blog - It's nice to have readers who provide valuable feedback and links to other resources. It's only recently I've realized the potential network-building capacity of personal blogging.
Google Reader - I follow a number of edtech bloggers and Google Reader does a great job of keeping them organized. I like that I can add tags and then break out embedded code on other sites based on the tagging.
Chat - I usually keep Skype and the Gmail Chat open during the day to connect with colleagues from all around the world.
For instructor professional development I also use:
Ustream - I like to stream our sessions so people unable to attend in person can participate in the chat, or view the recording later.
Elluminate - We've purchased an unlimited license for our school, but anyone can get a free v-room that can host up to 3 people at a time.
Wikispaces - I use this site to set up materials for our sessions.
Ning - I have our instructor network set up here. - We network and share useful links.
Jing - I use this free screencasting tool to record training materials.
What technology tools do you use to support or participate in Viral Professional Development? Please share links or examples.
Does the technology get in the way of the learning?
Are you attempting sustainability with your approaches, or is it alright to jump from tool to tool as they emerge?
What challenges do you have in implementing technology for learning?