Posts made by Daina Moore

Dear Leonne,

Thank you so much for the detailed feedback. Upon reviewing the rubric today, I had wondered if it would be unclear if it was for individual students or the group whole. I will work on the revision with this in mind. I will also review and revise the score values.

Thank you very much for this feedback - it is so helpful!

Daina Moore

Hello everyone.

I am using a rubric for a group project in a course called HCA 101 Concepts for Health and Healing. The rubric is intended to break down the "Group Participation" part of the assignment criteria.

For the assignment itself, students are assigned a group of 4 and are allotted class time to research any culture of their choice. They must compile their research and ideas and present the selected culture to the class. They may use any medium (posters, PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.) to present their information.

I find that the students really love this project because they sincerely enjoying learning about other cultures. I have seen some excellent and creative work through this project. Part of the students' overall mark is the group participation mark (worth 12 marks).  I have created a rubric for the "group participation" rubric for these 12 marks. There is a separate handout that outlines criteria for the rest of the assignment.

The rubric I have attached (for Group Participation) is based on templates I found last year when I was researching rubrics on my own. I was so glad to come across this FLO micro course because I really want to improve my rubric creation skills!

Thank you everyone. I am looking forward to reading your rubrics.

Daina Moore

Capilano University