Posts made by Susan Glynn-Morris

Hi Bettina

I really like your idea of having students think about their purpose for being in the course right off the bat. I think 9 Whys is a great LS for doing this. Your suggestion to have a template with the 9 whys might be a good way to make sure they go all the way. On that, does it ever happen that people reach a conclusion (or some sort of end point) before the 9th why?

Something I often struggle with on online courses is having multiple short deadlines in a week. A lot of our students are studying part time while working and juggling other responsibilities and so may have limited flexibility in their schedules to check in on a course each week. While I love how this format can help take an activity further and support interaction, I worry about how multiple weekly deadlines (that might vary from week to week) can be a big commitment and a lot to remember. As a new instructional designer I am curious if instructors you have supported have had success with this format?

Your instructions are clear to me but I wonder if a student who is not familiar with this activity might not understand that they are asking why of their response to the previous why (as opposed to just asking why again) - maybe I am over complicating this. Similarly, if someone has not heard of a 6-word story before it might be helpful to provide an one sentence explanation or an example. 

I love the idea of making flipgrid an option for students who want to present orally. I also think it is a great way for students to get to know one another. I wonder how many students would opt to make a video over a written post?     

It has been helpful for me to see both your and Nancy's activities putting LS in action (and thinking about the logistics of doing so online!). Thank you both. Sue 

Hi Nancy

I love the idea of regularly using a couple of LS to talk about LS strings. It makes me think about how trying out different LS at our weekly team meetings could feed to birds with one seed - more engagement and an introduction to new LS! (I wonder which LS would work well for updates?). I also like that you are targeting a combination of LS that emphasize relationships and progress. 

I like the combination of using breakout rooms, google apps and the Zoom chat feature to mix things up. 

Under 'Group Configuration' it says Ecocycle will be 1-2-all or 1-3-all. Is the third LS (WWW) how you achieve the 'all' of Ecocycle? (Maybe this is how strings work?) 

I have a couple logistical questions: 

  • For the AI activity, would everyone view the instruction slide before going to the breakout room (or would it be visible in each breakout room)? If it is a Google slide, is this something you can share a link to in the chat and participants can open in the breakout rooms?
  • In AI and Ecocycle, are participants working from the same google doc/slides and does. As above, does the facilitator paste the link in the chat or how do participants access it? I obviously need to become more familiar with the suite of Google apps!
I think this is a great example of a LS string in an online environment.

Hi Bettina and Nancy

I'm going to give an online, asynchronous activity a try. I look forward to your feedback as well as to seeing the ideas you two are playing with!


The first asynchronous discussion forum in an online “Introduction to Project Management and Event Planning” course, which is part of a one-year certificate program.


The intention is to help students connect with the concept of Project Management - to see that we are all Project Managers, even if just informally. It’s also an opportunity to brainstorm what makes a project successful, to build connections in the course, and have everyone hear their 'voice' heard at the very start of the course.

Selected Liberating Structure:

1-2-4-All (Riff = 1-3-All)


Think back to a time you 'managed a project' or 'planned an event' - remember your project or event can be informal. What factors do you think contributed to its success (or lack of success)?

Space arrangement & materials:

Moodle discussion forum (standard forum for general use).

Participation distribution:

Everyone is included and has an opportunity to contribute equally.

Group configuration:

Start alone, then groups of three, then as a whole group.

Sequencing & Time:

  • Think back to a time you 'managed a project' or 'planned an event' - remember your project or event can be informal.
  • Write a post in your small group discussion forum, briefly describing your project or event (3-4 sentences). Include how it went and list what factors you think contributed to its success (or lack of success) by Monday night.
  • In your group of three, review your peers’ posts and work together to compile one list of success factors. Have one person from your group share your collective list of success factors on the class discussion forum by Wednesday night.