Posts made by Brent Lee

This topic has my attention, and I thought I would provide some insight into how I have used portfolios within my program with great success:

- How do you encourage buy-in at different levels (student, faculty, staff)?

Each student in our program has to place their submissions on their Portfolio (Mahara). They then provide the link to the artifact in the dropbox in Moodle or submit their work in a paper format.

Students enjoy our portfolios purely because they use them to get employment. They provide a link to their learning portfolio on their resumes when seeking work. We now have 145 active portfolios (these are students who are still maintaining their portfolios after they have left our program). Life long learning for real!!

- What kind of resistance (if any) have you experienced to portfolios?

Initially my students had a hard time understand the value and reason to create. I tacked some marks, so they had to provide information via their portfolio, and through their advancement in the program, they come to enjoy it like a hobby.

- What makes portfolios worthwhile for you, your students or your program?

Creative expression is my personal enjoyment, and it also gives us (the program) a way to see how alumni are doing.