Posts made by Brent Lee


A very interesting article.

Although the device does not have native monitoring, control and monitoring can still take place at the network level.

In the program that I teach in here at Vancouver Island University, we work with firewalls and solutions to monitor and control networks. With the iPad on a network, we can monitor and control access if needed.

One might argue that the cell phones are already causing this problem in K-12, and that iPads not using a data plan would be easier to control.



Thank you for your post and the poll on Constructivist Learning!

I am in total agreement with the statement of consumption and not creation, therefore illustrating a lacking element in tablet technology today.

Apple's Keynote and Pages applications are making some traction on the issues relating to the creation of learning, but they are not where we want them yet!

The most recent update to the firmware on the iPad (Version 4.1) seems to take away one of the values that I enjoyed most about the device. I enjoyed the concept of single-tasking. Now, users are back to the everyday distraction of many applications running at a time, creating more distractions for learning!




Thank you for your interesting topic.

One of the most controversial questions: Is Adobe Flash good for the web as a whole when we look at the bigger picture?

It seems with a large share of the mobile and tablet market, apple may create some big change on this front. We are seeing this change with some big players like Google, a very interesting demonstration of this can be found here:

The notion that the browser will take care of all the media related technology is an intriguing one when we think about the barriers in courses, the technology, getting it to work...

As the need for more rich media grows, we may see more movements like Blackboards iPad application converting flash within courses to an HTML5 presentation, closing the media gap: