Posts made by Colleen Grandy

I did it! Beth - watching you try everyone's activities during this course has inspired me. I couldn't let the course end without having another go at my tree. This was fun and it really made me think. I feel like I could revise my tree every ten minutes and it would never be "finished" - I guess that is the case with trees... always growing!

Some thoughts:

  1. This suggestion came from Gina when I lamented to her, "I feel so fully in the present that I am destined to have a leaf-less tree:" Consider having people put potential "leaves" on each other's branches as an exploration. Sometimes other people may be able to see potential where someone else (like me) "can't see the forest for the trees." :)
  2. I couldn't decide if I wanted to put adjectives or nouns on my branches. I thought using characteristics (like, "curious" or "empathetic") instead of nouns/labels (like job titles, etc.) on the lower branches, might make an interesting tree, too. 
  3. This was way more fun when I stopped over-thinking and treating the tree like a life-planning tool! Once I lightened up and had fun with it I felt like I could have made branches and roots all day. I guess that's why my "tree" looks a bit more like a neuron.

Bottom line: thank-you for sharing this and for showing me a way to use Coggle. Fun!

Thank you for this feedback! We didn't add the "Situating Block" until Wednesday, so it makes sense if you didn't notice it. It was a bit of an experiment - I had never tried the "random glossary" block before and I was curious to see what it looked like. We hoped it might humanize the main page a bit, but of course - many people never go there! Good point. 

I also wondered about expanding the situating activity over a longer course and asking new situating questions throughout the term? I also thought it could be interesting to invite people to re-situate themselves "in the course" or "in the day" a few times during the term. It might become a sort-of communal journal-blog-ish-thing. At the end of the term it might be fun to use to reflect back on everyone's journeys/connections. The tags could continue or fizzle. 

I'm still not sure about the glossary. Part of me likes that it doesn't send notifications (cuts down on the volume of them, at least - which students often complain about) and there is no participation requirement, so it's ok if something goes unnoticed for a while, but for folks who never go to the course page, they may never see it. Maybe reminders, like Sylvia's about the tags, would help? Or maybe a different tool. Lots to think about!

Thank you for finding time to share this, Janna! I always appreciate your community-focused perspectives on student support. Other than creating networking groups in LinkedIn for a Business Communication course, I haven't used social media much for informal engagement/connection. I'm always nervous about how students will feel about combining their personal/academic/professional lives. I've seen FLO community members (like Sylvia) use Twitter to make and maintain connections, and it has definitely made me feel connected/included. I like Twitter because you can be a quiet follower of community hashtags without having to sign-up to a group. I can see this working especially well in classes where using social media is connected to course outcomes and/or when you have a class who already uses a particular social media platform.

It’s Day 5, and we’re almost there! What a supportive and idea-filled four days. You are amazing humans!

If sticking to a suggested timeline makes your life easier, today you might want to:

  1. Review the fabulous community building activities submitted to the Sharing & Feedback Forum and offer some specific, constructive feedback.

  2. Reflect on feedback you’ve received and refine your draft activities.

  3. Continue any conversations that you feel need continuing (in the Open Forum, in the Sharing and Feedback Forum, or even way back in the Situating Activity).

  4. Ask or answer any final burning questions in the Open Forum.

  5. Pat yourself on the back for sticking with it this far!

Happy Friday,

Colleen, Gina, and Sylvia