Posts made by Beth Cougler Blom

Together, let's look back on all we've done this week using - well, of course - a Liberating Structure! You might recognize these three pinned posts as What, So What, Now What? 

Please respond to our three threads in this forum in order of:

  1. What?
  2. So What?
  3. Now What?
Use the Ladder of Inference image (included in each) as your guide to try to keep your responses for each thread within the constraints of the structure. The prompts in each post will guide you...

First, in this What? part of the structure we invite you to reflect on the following:

  • What happened this week while you were exploring designing with LS?
  • What did you notice?
  • What facts or observations stood out to you?
Reply to this post to keep the "What?" posts contained together in one thread...screenshot of ladder of inference with W3 embedded into it

I'm so glad you're doing that in your user group! We've done that too in ours, Tracy and I. We have asked that person to pull out their phone and get the app and then just follow it along. 

You're making me think - with the whole "baked in" piece of structures within structures, that Keira might find it helpful to get some large graphic facilitation chart paper into the action here. And show a visual of what she's trying to do. 

I've included a photo here of the P2P graphic chart that Tracy Roberts and I set up and used when we facilitated the Purpose to Practice for the Victoria LS User Group. So we tend to stick the LS structures on a sticky note that we're using for each section, and then as we went we harvested the group-generated ideas onto the chart...

Photo of a Purpose to Practice graphic chart

Now this was in person...but if she were online I think she could set this up in a Google Doc - landscape view - and then add text boxes in to capture the harvest as she went along...

Hi Leva,

I'm really interested in Keira's approach here. I love that she is thinking about baking in structures within structures. This is something we tend to do with Purpose to Practice, and she is challenging me to think about using structures that I haven't thought of before - so great! (We do tend to use 9 Whys for Purpose, Min Specs for Principles, etc...)

I'm really intrigued by her Mad Tea idea to kick things off in the Purpose part of P2P. Mad Tea usually has about five questions so I was wondering if each of the MT questions could be about each of the five parts of P2P. What might it look like to get people talking about ALL parts of P2P in succession in just 1-2 minutes each (she could riff a bit on the regular instructions and give each person 1 min each...the actual structures says 30 seconds which is awfully fast but can be fun!). And then the rest of the structures in the P2P could allow people to explore the elements more fully.

I'm curious about the length of the session that she is planning. P2P can take quite a bit of time when you start baking in other structures so that's something that I think she just has to be aware of for planning purposes.

I've never facilitated Generative Relationships but I think that's an interesting idea, particularly if her colleagues are going to co-facilitate LS together later.

I'm wondering as time goes on in the session if she could somehow involve participants in co-facilitating with her in small ways...what do you think? Go for a win-win somehow in this regard to help immerse them in the facilitation part, even just a little bit?