Posts made by Beth Cougler Blom

Hi Melissa,

I like where you're going with this and I like the two part nature to your prompt, for use in a blended (online and face to face) situation. Real 'flipping the classroom' stuff.

If you were teaching fully online I could see you posting this prompt for responses Mon - Wed and then from Thursday on that week you could start asking them to compare and contrast their responses and begin to form a list of "good" and "not good" attributes. Maybe even collaboratively build a list in a wiki or something? I like that you have opened up text and image options.

Good morning everyone,

I have really been enjoying the discussion and sharing happening so far in the Sharing forum (as well as Open forum) and would like to welcome any "late arrivers" who just joined us or have been observing and may yet still dip their toes in our discussion prompt water. As a bonus it has been really interesting to get a little glimpse of the variety of contexts that you work in with your students.

Here are some of the great ideas surfacing about effective discussion prompts:

  • Using discussion prompts online between face to face classes
  • Asking students to make a choice between two options/take sides on an issue
  • Asking students to discuss the 'worst result' first (and later what they would do to help avoid that)
  • Using discussion prompts to help students draw from their own experience
  • Putting students in teams to work together and discuss
  • Discussion prompts that ask students to "creatively share" - for example, using drawing or painting or another medium
  • Prompts that invite students to incorporate photos or other multimedia (hello giant emoticon! just kidding)
  • Discussion prompts for the purpose of giving students practice in writing their opinions
  • Prompts that encourage students to share all their ideas and refrain from judging others' ideas (to help students get comfortable with sharing with others - especially online!)
  • Asking students to imagine themselves in a situation
  • Prompts that focus on creating positive change
  • Prompts that help instructors/facilitators put themselves in the shoes of their students and where they are at
Wow, right? I'm sure I've missed some and there are still some yet to come. If you haven't yet had a chance to post a discussion prompt that you're trying out, please do so. (Half-baked ideas and thoughts forming are OK too!)

And if you haven't had a chance to review some of your colleagues' prompts, I'd like to invite you to make some time to do that today. Keep asking good questions and building on each other's ideas. Thanks for your great engagement so far.

Beth and Sylvia

Karen this is a creative way to get people engaging I think. It made me think of taking Christina Merkley's graphic facilitation course years ago. She shared this visual of her journey to becoming a graphic facilitator. As you can see, it's quite extensive, and would take a long time to create (not that any of us could replicate how beautiful it is!) It does make me wonder if asking people to share "your journey" might be too complex? Could they share "part of" their journey to make it less daunting?