Posts made by Christie Mason

Flash Paper - Great,  another product that continues the multi page, print paradigm online and requires manual maintenance versioning for original format and transformed format.  Any time that type of process is required I view it as breaking accessibility because it delays access to current, correct content.  Access to updated content is delayed while someone reruns the multi step process of finding the source, making the changes, transforming the source, reuploading the file.  Finding the source file can be real challenge, too many times I've heard some variation of "Dorothy wrote it and then Susan & Dan updated it but I think Henry was the last person to edit it and then his hard drive failed and he hadn't backed it up."  I fail to see a gain worth that type of pain. 

Oh well, at least they didn't use columns in the Best Practices for Accessible Flash Design link and the font/graphics zoom easily using the browser keyboard shortcuts (something that's iffy with PDF files), even though their TOC links don't work.

Christie Mason

How are you verifying that the Flash presentations are 508 compliant? That's an issue that still confuses me. I haven't upgraded to Flash V8 but I know verifying compliance has always been a tricky issue.  Every article I've read about how much additional effort it takes to make Flash accessible and/or 508 compliant left me wondering why anyone would use Flash in the first place?  I can get as far as understanding that video to Flash works well but get stumped on why any other elements should be mashed into Flash.  I'm sure that's just some type of ignorance on my part and I'd appreciate learning someway to understand that choice better.

Accessibility and 508 are similar but not the same.  Adobe's Flash 8 Accessibility Design Guidelines  "Many of the most common issues in accessible Macromedia Flash design are not reflected in accessibility standards such as Section 508 or the W3C guidelines. Macromedia Flash designers and developers should rely on a variety of methods for validation of Macromedia Flash content for accessibility. "

To see real irony, take a look at Best Practices for Accessible Flash Design and note how Adobe's using Flash to present a PDF file.  Why? To paraphrase Oscar Wilde it looks to me like "the ineffectual in full pursuit of the unusable"

Christie Mason

I thought I'd found a lot of issues but you found many that I missed.  Thank you.

What I can't figure out is what is the intended use for the jump menus?  Even if you give up on trying to figure out what the options are trying to list and just begin to randomly select some, most of the links don't go anywhere useful.

Christie Mason
How are you verifying that the Flash presentations are 508 compliant? That's an issue that still confuses me. I haven't upgraded to Flash V8 but I know verifying compliance has always been a tricky issue.  Every article I've read about how much additional effort it takes to make Flash accessible and/or 508 compliant left me wondering why anyone would use Flash in the first place?  I can get as far as understanding that video to Flash works well but get stumped on why any other elements should be mashed into Flash.  I'm sure that's just some type of ignorance on my part and I'd appreciate learning someway to understand that choice better.

Accessibility and 508 are similar but not the same.  Adobe's Flash 8 Accessibility Design Guidelines  "Many of the most common issues in accessible Macromedia Flash design are not reflected in accessibility standards such as Section 508 or the W3C guidelines. Macromedia Flash designers and developers should rely on a variety of methods for validation of Macromedia Flash content for accessibility. "

To see real irony, take a look at Best Practices for Accessible Flash Design and note how Adobe's using Flash to present a PDF file.  Why? To paraphrase Oscar Wilde it looks to me like "the ineffectual in full pursuit of the unusable"

Christie Mason

I thought I'd found a lot of issues but you found many that I missed.  Thank you.

What I can't figure out is what is the intended use for the jump menus?  Even if you give up on trying to figure out what the options are trying to list and just begin to randomly select some, most of the links don't go anywhere useful.

Christie Mason