Posts made by tony cairns

Do you agree with the 10 principles Bonk and Khoo developed based on their review of ideas about motivation and learning?


Yes, I agree with this

What motivates? Tone/Climate: Psychological Safety, Comfort, Sense of Belonging Encouragement: Feedback, Responsiveness, Praise, Supports Curiosity: Surprise, Intrigue, Unknowns Variety: Novelty, Fun, Fantasy Autonomy: Choice, Control, Flexibility, Opportunities Relevance: Meaningful, Authentic, Interesting Interactivity: Collaborative, Team-Based, Community Engagement: Effort, Involvement, Investment Tension: Challenge, Dissonance, Controversy Yielding Products: Goal Driven, Purposeful Vision, Ownership


but maybe a better question is How do we make this happen in our schools and learning environments and how do we balance the need for creativity and learning with assessment? or maybe i just think that is better because that is what i am looking at at the moment. I think the above list of words, actions and beliefs works well both online and off and the purpose of the teacher is to " inspire an emotional reaction, not just for the (learning), but more importantly, for life." Bernstein said music but i think it applies to any subject, course inquiry online and off


I am loading this intro a second time as the original disappeared into a swirl of error messages when i tried to edit it to correct spelling and typos so her's hoping and damn the typos i so wsh i could right click and spell and grammar check like all programmeshave done for me for the past decade but whatever


Tell us a little about yourself and what you're hoping to learn/practice/build? Do you have an online learning activity (OLA) that you want to repurpose, improve, restructure? Or do you need to create something fresh to help students master a difficult concept or think critically about a journal article or video?


Hi i am tony cairns

i am studying how to make assessments more creative - an thats wht i am focussing on fo the first 2 weeks of august


and i would love any of you interested in assessmentsand how to make them more creative to fill out a 5 minute survey here for me please

My Survey is here

My blog is here

my  PD is here

my results are here

My sites are here



this is what i am doing at the moment

I am researching assessment and how to make more creative assessments for post grad work at Mindlab and Unitec
I spoke at LoopEd and WellyEd and hosted speakers and workshops at BiolIve ChemEd 2015
I am working with VUW and York Uni on Innovation in Science Investigation
I am working with HackGovNZ and MBIE on an app for alternatives to university called alt.uni under the Fill the Gap  brand
I am working with the bridge builders for Royal for extension and enrichment
I am working on the IdeaVolt App for Innovation in NZ Schools and i am developing a third app with the last startup of the year
I videoed 102 presentations for the BEANZ and ChemEd conferences in the hols and did a POGIL workshop
I wrote 4 research essays and 15 blogs for Unitec last fortnight and did anothe 6 essays and 24 videos for the digital and collaborative course 
I am doing the GATE workshops after school most terms and doing work with NZCER on Assessment And games (tho I need to do more on Gaming - Andrew is the expert on that)
I am applying for the CoreEd efellow Scholarship next year to do a masters on assessment via digital and collaborative learning - we are piloting online assessments with Academic perfect
I am speaking at uLearn in october and doing a presentation for the Permission to play stream na then attending the Research Stream
I attended a SOLO workshop, a Canterbury University Science Resources workshop and a Maurice Wilkins Biology Workshop
I am doing tech stuff with several businesses and attending all the Core Workshop breakfast seminars.
I do mainly virtual or digital webinars, mOOCs and edchatnz, edchat, (Oz) scichatnz, and 37 VPN and 54 google groups for learning and i run a couple of google groups for learning and follow another 50+
I attend most of the library events at school and most of the Royal Society Teacher science Events, the Capital Science Educators group, most BEANZ, VUW and Zealandia and Zoo Biology events
I go to the Maurice Wilkins Centre, Liggins, Alan Wilson Centre and Malaghan and Callaghan Science Teacher events. I attend to support but not to coach the IYPT and IYPT and Science fair events
There are other things and courses and stuff i am doing but I forget - i just do them, shoot them, upload and archive them
cheers and sorry about the rave above but its busy at mo
tony cairns


ps just seen Seymour about Bernstein by ethan hawke and these are the quotes i loved

"The most important thing that music teachers can do for their pupils is to inspire an emotional reaction, not just for the music, but more importantly, for life."

"The true essence of who we are resides in our talent - whatever talent we have."

"The people who don't want me to succeed for their own selfish reasons can't touch me."

"We sense in music a reflection of ourselves, a reminder of our own potential for perfection."

"I never dreamt that with my own two hands, I could touch the sky."

Do you agree with the 10 principles Bonk and Khoo developed based on their review of ideas about motivation and learning?




Tell us a little about yourself and what you're hoping to learn/practice/build? Do you have an online learning activity (OLA) that you want to repurpose, improve, restructure? Or do you need to create something fresh to help students master a difficult concept or think critically about a journal article or video?


Hi i am tony cairns

i am studying how to make assessments more creative - and that's what I am focussing on for the first 2 weeks of august


and i would love any of you interested in assessmentsand how to make them more creative to fill out a 5 minute survey here for me please

My Survey is here

My blog is here

my  PD is here

my results are here

My sites are here



this is what i am doing at the moment

I am researching assessment and how to make more creative assessments for post grad work at Mindlab and Unitec
I spoke at LoopEd and WellyEd and hosted speakers and workshops at BiolIve ChemEd 2015
I am working with VUW and York Uni on Innovation in Science Investigation
I am working with HackGovNZ and MBIE on an app for alternatives to university called alt.uni under the Fill the Gap  brand
I am working with the bridge builders for Royal for extension and enrichment
I am working on the IdeaVolt App for Innovation in NZ Schools and i am developing a third app with the last startup of the year
I videoed 102 presentations for the BEANZ and ChemEd conferences in the hols and did a POGIL workshop
I wrote 4 research essays and 15 blogs for Unitec last fortnight and did anothe 6 essays and 24 videos for the digital and collaborative course 
I am doing the GATE workshops after school most terms and doing work with NZCER on Assessment And games (tho I need to do more on Gaming - Andrew is the expert on that)
I am applying for the CoreEd efellow Scholarship next year to do a masters on assessment via digital and collaborative learning - we are piloting online assessments with Academic perfect
I am speaking at uLearn in october and doing a presentation for the Permission to play stream na then attending the Research Stream
I attended a SOLO workshop, a Canterbury University Science Resources workshop and a Maurice Wilkins Biology Workshop
I am doing tech stuff with several businesses and attending all the Core Workshop breakfast seminars.
I do mainly virtual or digital webinars, mOOCs and edchatnz, edchat, (Oz) scichatnz, and 37 VPN and 54 google groups for learning and i run a couple of google groups for learning and follow another 50+
I attend most of the library events at school and most of the Royal Society Teacher science Events, the Capital Science Educators group, most BEANZ, VUW and Zealandia and Zoo Biology events
I go to the Maurice Wilkins Centre, Liggins, Alan Wilson Centre and Malaghan and Callaghan Science Teacher events. I attend to support but not to coach the IYPT and IYPT and Science fair events
There are other things and courses and stuff i am doing but I forget - i just do them, shoot them, upload and archive them
cheers and sorry about the rave above but its busy at mo
tony cairns


ps just seen Seymour about Bernstein by ethan hawke and these are the quotes i loved

"The most important thing that music teachers can do for their pupils is to inspire an emotional reaction, not just for the music, but more importantly, for life."

"The true essence of who we are resides in our talent - whatever talent we have."

"The people who don't want me to succeed for their own selfish reasons can't touch me."

"We sense in music a reflection of ourselves, a reminder of our own potential for perfection."

"I never dreamt that with my own two hands, I could touch the sky."


Online Interviews allow us to freely and universally access a random., targetted or census based approach to social research. Using mobiles and handheld devices allows access to people without landlines or conventional computers, tablets and notebooks. Rewards for research can be more easily integrated and delivered and survey money allows for triage of surveyed participants for follow up or intensive interview. The researcher and researched can set privacy, video, time and place restrictions. There is an online record of the survey for real-time monitoring and interaction by surveyors supervisors and ethnic reviewers. avatars an deliver questions in multiple languages dialects and cultural settings. Questions can be tested on the fly and more objective experimentation of questions is facilitated. International surveying is enhanced, Closed group, society or gendered surveying in real time is permitted. Special needs recipients, visually, audio, mobility challenged can be surveyed. Using avatars questions can be quickly scaled up and delivered internationally locally and regionally. Video, visual, D simulation or interactions can be included.