Posts made by Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier

re: Activity 1
It is certainly a thought-provoking exercise to begin our discussion on identity. I think I know who I am in my own head, but is that how others perceive me? Should my public identity be constructed out of the threads of my Internet tracings and ramblings? Is this a "funkafied" version of googling ourselves? ... I have avoided navel gazing tweets, perhaps in part because of the idea of trying to maintain some semblance of personal privacy on the Internet ... hmmmmmm I am not sure what to think about this.... This will be an interesting session smile

re: Activity 2:
You are what you share .. I feel this also needs to be extended to " You are what you share and what others share about you." I have recently started down the path of online security and privacy in educational contexts, so I certainly agree with the concept as it relates to digital identity. The metaphor of the bird's nest is so apt. Yet, who are we if not a mosaic of our interactions with self and others?

From a total rambling thought, my digital identity is a tad different than my work identity, than my family identity, etc. Each is inter-twined and perhaps an inseparable tangle of threads... but again, where I am and within what context I operate determines the dominant identity ... ugh.. now my brain synapses resemble that bowl of noodles in the video! mixed ... someone grab an end and pull!

A number of my research participants have welcomed the opportunity to "tell their story". They have likened the narrative portions as ways to add some humanistic context to the data. They feel it is important to be able to place their learning about technology along-side the counts and measures traditionally associated with quantitative research.
