Posts made by Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier

Hi Susan
I've been avidly following along the discussions .. I couldn't attend the live session because I was actually conducting an interview via Elluminate. I am collecting data from my doctoral research via Elluminate. My research involves how face-to-face teachers move to an online environment.
How logical but to use Elluminate for interviews and focus groups! As part of my own research agenda, I am keeping tabs on the actual PROCESS of conducting the research online.
More later .... bogged in juggling work, data transcription, and teaching ... ack!
Wendy :)

Hello all!

I am chiming in quite late, but I've been following the discussion intently.

I am a doctoral student from the University of South Australia, though I am physically located in Nova Scotia, Canada. I am currently collecting data via Elluminate. Research ethics was less of a challenge for me than I thought it woudl be, to tell you the truth. Perhaps it is because UniSA does do so much work at a distance.

This session has been perfect timing for me. I look forward to the following weeks


Hello Cindy, Trish, et al.
I am an instructional designer with StFX University and I am also a doctoral student from the University of South Australia, researching professors' transitions to online classrooms. The concept of digital identity shall be an interesting part of my work.

And as an aside, in a previous life I did some studies in Internet marketing and customer management systems (think scan codes, the cashier asking for your postal address, the tracers on online coupons, etc). Online privacy is a concern. And don't even get me started on the conversations we must have with our pre-service teachers about Facebook, myspace, Twitter, etc! tongueout

It is fascinating how little bits of seemingly unrelated data can be compiled to construct an identity... as Activity #1 demonstrates!

I look forward to the session discussions!