Posts made by June Kaminski

A Warm Welcome to All!

We have created this Dialogue Space to commune and share with all people interested in participating in creating a Vision. Our Vision is focused on how we can tap the capabilities and promises of new media technology and the communal connectivity of the Internet to shape online learning experiences and programs that focus on rich First Nations pedagogical practices.

How can we meet the needs of First Nations learners who wish to engage in higher learning but do not want to leave their communities in order to do so?

How can we provide programs and courses that include Pre-Colonial practices and wisdom within the online learning landscape?

How can First Nations Pedagogy be advanced within the online learning milieu?

We welcome your thoughts, your experiences, your knowledge, your ideas, and your descriptions of your practices.

Please feel free to contribute! We are eager to listen!

In Respect and Openness,

June Kaminski, RN MSN PhD(c)
First Nations Pedagogy

This looks great Sylvia!

I am attaching a slightly edited version - some of the top black headers were not showing the white text - it was coming through as black on black.

I am hoping that with the final version they will typeset the chapter so the Multiple Intelligences and Generational Cohort tables come out all on one page.

I am proud of us!
Great, thanks for the update Sylvia!

Sandy had asked me if I was able to attend the session today in case people had questions about how to make graphics, but I had to teach today.

So far, we don't need to worry about sources of graphics - I made all the ones that are currently in Chapter 4 in Photoshop. So, we are the source.