Posts made by June Kaminski

Thanks for sharing Robin, 

I enjoyed your intro video - even the lovely gusts of wind that graced your audio at times. I am one of those KPU faculty that you help frequently, so again Thank You!

My purpose for taking this course is to get me going. I have intended to add intro videos to all of the online courses I teach (five this coming semester!) but have not gotten around to it. I am hoping this course will give me ideas and help to motivate me to get this done before the fall. 

All the best, 


Thanks for this great example Sylvia, 

Despite the dim lighting, vertical phone recording (one of my pet peeves), and so on, your lilting voice still assured me that this will be a great course. I also found myself hanging on your every word, trying to make sure I had the gist of the course down. I can see how my own online students must crave as much direction as they can get. 

Thanks again,


Hello Everyone,

I have been involved in various Community building initiatives since the mid 90s - I have a keen interest in the software (preferably open source) available to set up dynamic COPs as well as recruitment and retention principles.

Currently, I oversee a few Communities, including at work. I use Moodle for our BSN Community at Kwantlen Polytechnic University -for all of our document sharing, announcements, voting using the poll function, forums for dialogue, workload selection using the databases, etc. I have set up another community using Drupal for our Curriulum Revisions -

Professionally I've also used Drupal for the Canadian Nursing Informatics Association member site - but we use Moodle for our Journal reviewing and Conference planning -

For the Community part of the First Nations Pedagogy Online site that Sylvia and I worked on, I used Joomla - but Moodle was used for the Learning Centre section: We also initiated a Facebook Community for this project:

I find all three of these software excellent for community building but am very eager to hear what others use.

June Kaminski, RN MSN PhD(c)
Nursing Faculty and Curriculum Coordinator
BSN Nursing Program,
Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Hi Nancy and Everyone,

I am Curriculum Coordinator and Faculty for the BSN Nursing program at Kwantlen Polytechnic University..and am also completing my PhD Dissertation at the moment in the Curriculum and Pedagogy Studies dept in the Faculty of Ed at UBC.

I generally create websites to encourage PD participation by nursing and other faculty. Supportive software that I enjoy using include Moodle, Drupal, Dotproject, Nucleus or Wordpress (blogs) and any wiki program.

Some examples include and and as well as a site that Sylvia and I are working on for BC Campus

I look forward to hearing more about your described repository.

My own personal PD is often done online, or via conferences/workshops.
Hello Everyone!

Here is my response to the initial introductory questions:

Where do you work and what is your position there?

I am nursing faculty and Curriculum Coordinator in the BSN program at Kwantlen University College (well actually we have just become Kwantlen Polytechnic University). I am also President of the Canadian Nursing Informatics Association -

Through what methods do you receive / take part in professional development?

As far as personal PD goes, I prefer online as well as ftof conferences and workshops. I offer Board approved (California) PD courses for registered nurses online through my Nursing Informatics site, and recognize how usable online PD can be for busy professionals. I also engage in creating and accessing others' blogs, wikis, web sites, web casts, etc. online. Creating websites on a topic is my favorite way to offer PD opportunities and events to others.

What methods are working and which ones aren't?

I find the online sessions work best - for instance I offered a presentation on Nursing Informatics to local nurses using an in-person approach at a local hospital. It was a Friday before the long weekend, but still only 5 showed up. If this was presented online, I suspect the attendance would be much higher, especially if recorded and available over time. People need convenience, access, and multiple entry points to PD activities, imho. smile