Discussions started by Dan McGuire

Hello everyone,

I am going to begin this seminar with some simple questions - who are you and what do you own?

Myself - I have been working with copyright issues for close to fifteen years, helping educators bring relevant content into their classrooms - legally. Over this time I've yearned for a simple answer to the dilemas facing copyright owners and copyright consumers, as I've grown older, and hopefully wiser I've realized that every case is truly unique, with many differing yet valid answers - depending on how you approach the issue.

As far as my ownership - I own a house (excepting the part that still belongs to my bank), I own two cars, a computer and some really cool radio control airplanes! I also own the copyright on some musical compositions and a wide range of writting  - now if only I could find a buyer!

This seminar will be a discussion of Intellectual Property, as it exists in todays economy. I am very much hoping that this will be an inclusive discussion, and as such I am asking you to introduce yourselves - and what you believe you own!

In Anticipation,


Hello Everyone,

As I look at the outline of our chapter, one phrase comes to mind "What have I gotten myself into?".

There is a lot of work to do, but we need to keep or mind on a key word here 'collaboration'

For the last ten years I have been working with copyright issues in education. From the first days of the Cancopy licenses, working with hard copy reproductions till now - dealing with online rights issues, DRM and other fascinating subjects! Recent history has me blogging my thoughts, opinions and general ramblings on these issues - Rights, Fights and other online occurances. My first tasks for everyone involved - please introduce yourself here, and please try to find more people to collaborate with!