Posts made by Sylvia Riessner

Thanks to Carlos, Gina, and SylviaC for participating and sharing their questions and ideas during today's session. If you weren't able to make it, you can watch the recording (including the occasional glitches).  If you have any questions, just post in this thread.

If you have some time in the next hour, and want to talk about how you'll develop your engaging online learning activity, think about joining us in the Blackboard Collaborate room - 

Now we come to the meat of the moment (I think that's called mixing metaphors?)

I've created a quick audible presentation to connect the ideas about motivation with the "10 Principles" Framework with different types of learning activities, examples AND an additional model (framework?) that links motivation, SAMR, Bloom's Revised Taxonomy, questions and technological tools to build with. 

And I'm attaching the illustration I created. You'll notice I didn't include 10 OLAs for each principle - I included the ideas that seemed unique or more useful than others - mostly to keep the map from getting too busy. You can find a complete list in Table 1.1 in TEC-Variety!

And here's a link to the Padlet that collects resources around developing different learning activities through the framework of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy with an emphasis on digital tools and apps.

More to come...are you dizzy yet?

Attachment OLA Map.png

Thanks for sharing your plan as you begin to develop your online learning activity idea!

I went through your document and added comments about specific questions or ideas that occurred to me as I read each step. I've uploaded the annotated document here with my initials at the end to identify it.

My general responses / questions are as follows:

1.  What are your main objectives? Do you have a specific intended learning outcome for your activity?  Is it to teach them the metacognitive skill of tracking their progress and thinking about their learning? Are you teaching them self-assessment skills?

When I read the reflective questions, it would appear that you think they might be going out and finding other information about the weekly topics? You ask them if they have any learning tips to share - is that something you teach them about? How to analyze their own learning You also ask if they have other resources to share? About what and where would they find these? Would it require them to know how to copy and paste URLs? Do they already know how to do this?

2.  I believe you want to build their comfort with the learning environment as well?  From reading your directions, I'm uncertain whether you want to teach them how to copy and paste from one document to another OR to post to a learning journal, be able to access teacher comments, and perhaps, respond to the teacher's comments to ask for clarification?

I've questioned why the copy and paste of the table is important? And added some questions about how you will provide the table and reflective questions to them.

Could you add a short paragraph at the beginning to explain your overall intent to someone like me, who isn't a member of your class? From a teacher perspective?

I'm going to try blogging about my developing online learning activity and then put the basic components in a document I think - maybe a Googledoc?  My blog post will talk about what I'm trying / hoping to achieve in terms of design and learning; my document will lay out how the student will learn about the objectives, the steps, directions and the tasks I ask them to complete (and maybe some sidelinks to helpful documents/screencasts).

Thanks for being first into the pool on this one Leonne.

As we have only two weeks to plan, develop and test an online learning activity, I'm opening up a new topic thread to get us started on the first steps of the practical aspects of this seminar.

Alice pointed out that we need to ask some further questions as we explore ways to develop engaging online learning activities: Who? What? When?

From the teacher/instructor perspective:

"Who (are the Learners)?
What (Actual Techniques linked to real learning objectives)?
When (Timing within the learning/teaching framework)?"

and more importantly, from the learner/student perspective:

“What is in this for Me?”

I've compiled a simple LinoIt bulletin board of questions to help us collect and discuss useful questions - if you'd like to add your questions (this will be a shared resource so you can use it afterwards if you find it has value), let me know and I'll give you access to contribute.

Plan Your Online Learning Activity

Please review the questions and use the ones you find useful to begin to develop your online learning activity (or repurpose an OLA you want to improve).  I'm going to blog about how I apply these questions in the development of a new OLA. You're welcome to do the same and share your planning with us or you may want to share "nuggets" from your planning back to this forum topic thread?

So, to reiterate, 

1.  Review the collection of planning questions in the Linoit bulletin board. Share any additional questions (or thoughts about the questions that are there?)

2.  Begin to plan your online learning activity - share with us the highlights (nuggets?) of your planning or any challenges you encounter as you try to answer the questions for your project.

Make sense?