Posts made by Curt Bonk


There are 2 summary tables in the book that will help you categorize the Web 2.0 strategies a bit.  See Chapter 1 and Chapter 10 (the first and last chapters) when the book arrives.  That should help your people as should the visual of the the phases of the R2D2 model in various chapters.

What about when blogging is optional and students volunteer to do it?  Or what about when they blog in an open access blog?  Can you not link to it or use it if it is public to the world?  They make a decision when they create a blog for it to be public or private.  if they choose public, then I think you can use it.  Do people agree or disagree?

Jo Ann.  I have written a couple of blog posts in my TravelinEdMan blog about writing for publication (  I have a system that works (i.e., ignore everyone and everything else and write.  Smile, I am kidding.).  I like sitting on my back deck and sitting down to write and listening to the birds chirp and watch the deer walk by.  We have a forest in the back.  Having multiple laptops at the ready helps.  I do hate it when it rains.  At present, I am working indoors on presentations for the Wisconsin Distance Teaching and Learning Conference next week.  I think the link is down right now, but my keynote is Thursday morning August 7th at the Monona Terrace at 8 am (see

Writing takes tons of persistence, passion, patience, and polishing.  I was just answering Sylvia's questions as to the writing process.  Each book project and chapter is vastly different from the next.  I am writing to be 2nd and 3rd author on book chapters and focus on my book writing.  Hope that helps!

You said: "Curt, I hope you've landed safely on home turf and you've had a chance to rest! Just hearing about your schedule makes me tired. I can't imagine. And Ke, I hope your prep for tenure and promotion is going well. If you need reference letters for your file we'll write a bunch for you! smile"

I have cut way back on travel from over 100+ talks per year in 2005 and 2006 to 83 in 2007 and perhaps 55 this year. The past week was like the old days. You picked a tough week for me to start this.
You also said: "When you get a chance it would be interesting to hear about the process of writing this book. How did you go about gathering activity ideas? Did you involve educators in the field in suggesting activities and/or trying out the activities? Were any activities left out?"

I cannot tell you everything here on a public forum. Six chapters were deleted, there was talk of changing our model name, and there were several long discussions and you might say disagreements about the title. The book writing was started in August 2006 and was done at the end of November 2006. We were/are at July 2008 when the book came out. It took 19+ months to come out.  I think knowing what I know now about the format of the book, we could have had this out 6-8 months earlier. We had to delete chapters--that was painful. Six on theory of gen X and Y, training teachers, other instructional design models, the future, learning styles, and the Web were deleted. We also had to rewrite the entire book in the spring of 2007 (no small task) and then we had to do some more major things in the fall of 2007 and in the spring of 2008 was final copyediting. All that was painful as well. Ke, as she knows, was moving from Texas Tech to Wayne State during the bulk of the writing which also made things a tad difficult--it is never easy to start a new job as an assistant professor and be working on a major book.  Neither of us would recommend it.

We had about 10 activities left out--these just did not fit or were too hard to describe or were thought too simple or were best left for another book. I will use some of these in another 100+ ideas book for motivation and retention online in a model called TEC-VARIETY. This is my next book project. Each letter of TEC-VARIETY stands for a motivational principle (e.g., tone, encouragement, curiosity, variety, autonomy, relevance, interactivity, engagement, tension, and yielding products.).  There will be a third 100 ideas book on blended learning.

We gathered ideas from articles and experiences and talks we had done.  Lots from my keynotes.  We did not have others try them out--we tried them out.