Posts made by Susan Stewart

Thank you, Vance...I saw some new resources here that I'd like to check out!

While not technically graphic in nature, Sylvia Currie introduced me to scrumblr which is like a shared whiteboard with "post-it" notes. (You can't draw on the whiteboard, but it does have a feature to create columns with headings.) I can see lots of uses for joint idea generation, sorting and categorizing, planning, etc. using that tool. (In fact, I plan to use it with the Technology of Participation group facilitation methods.)

I know that I have seen some shareable tools awhile ago that are more graphic in nature, but I haven't used them other than to play around with them. Have you or others used any of these tools in online learning/conferencing events?

I agree...the more real life examples (and the things learned from them) we can get, the better. I am one of those people who needs to see how concepts play out in reality and I prefer to see many different examples of that. I hope you will share some of your experiences here...perhaps someone could create an online companion piece to the book of additional case studies and the tips, practices, strategies, tools, and pitfalls that we can learn from them.

I'd like to know more about how you have created the opportunity for shared visualization and representation.

Was the visualization co-created by multiple/all participants or was it made by one or two individuals to summarize the discussion and used as a record of the conversation or reference point for future discussions? What tools did you use? How did you address issues of differences in cultural visual languages? How did you use the visualization to foster the collaboration and "work with diversity as a resource"? And how was this different in a virtual work space than in a face-to-face venue?

I hope with my questions I give you permission to continue your ramblings! ;)