Posts made by Vasi Doncheva

Big thanks everyone for your valuable ideas and contributions so far.

In this tread we can continue the focused discussion on the role (s) of AVIs that emerged from the initial feedback and / discussion.

It was suggested that AVIs are a resource that a learner could contact before, during and after beginning a course of studies, throughout the learning lifecycle - Don and Wayne

Main categories/ types of support:

Specialists providing:
- subject / content specific advice = equivalent to academic tutors (provide clarification in areas where a student might not completely understand a concept/ subject specific) - Ellen and Wayne
- special support for disabled students - E.A. Draffan

- non-native English speaking students ( writing, listening to lectures, participating in academic seminars/presentations and effective reading strategies in the particular content area the student is studying) - Alannah

Generalists providing:
- non course specific advice ( general questions on how to enroll as OERu learner, or how to use the AVI system, or support on digital literacies, personal online orientation, clarification on how they would seek credentialing) Joyce, Ellen, Anil  and Wayne
- learning support ( help students set up a method for the collection of artifacts of learning for assessment , encouraging students to collect and reflect on their learning - Ellen, Joyce and Anil

- facilitating online gorups and group work - Nick Bowskill

Are there any other types of support needed? Which category do you see them fall into ( or do they need a  new category)?

Please reply to this thread to continue the discussion that will help us identify what kind of support will be needed and critical for OER learners to succeed in particular at the initial stages ( year 1 and 2 level of University study). We hope as a result from the contributions to be able to define the AVI role(s) and provide some frame of reference what are the expectations that will be communicated at recruitment stage so AVIs can self select the right role for them.

We really appreciate your help and support.

Vasi and Wayne

Very good suggestion Kathleen,

I’ll start a separate discussion thread – how do you think I should name it?

e.g. Do you know of..?

so people can post useful projects, organizations, frameworks, research that they have come across that may be useful to our AVI discussion.


Thank you all for your time, great contributions and feedback on the proposed AVI concept and framework.

GSUSA All Abouts Thank you

It seams that most initial questions about areas and things that lacked clarity have been answered and we are ready to move into more focused discussions. Over the next few days I'll be summarizing your suggestions and ideas from the Getting started - Seminar overview and review of AVI recommendations forum and starting new focused discussion threads around the emerging main themes.

The first one is around the proposed role of AVIs ( it got the most contributions).

Please move any further discussion and contributions to the new forum Clarify the role(s) of AVIs  where we hope to define the AVI role(s) and provide some frame of reference what are the expectations that will be communicated at recruitment stage so AVIs can self select the right role for them by the end of this week.

Also feel free to continue contributing user stories in WikiEducator or in the forum User stories as parallel and ongoing activity for the live planning session .

Keep up the great energy and ideas comming.

Vasi and Wayne