Posts made by Apostolos Koutropoulos

Id like to see dig/bury type buttons for each post (not just like) - admittedly this might not give you info a to WHY it was promoted or demoted but it is another analytic at hand.

I would also like to see some sort of "priority inbox" like google that takes data from forum posts and prioritizes then for the learner
You do raise a good point!
This being my first MOOC, I am somewhat surprised by the volume of messages generated. I created a filter in my inbox and direct messages to a LAK folder; but 2 days in I find that I am mostly skimming, unless of course I want to respond to something. I've also found that even though I might nit want to respond to someone's post, what they write is so compeling that I'd like to connect with them on LinkedIn or for future discussions.
Having had to translate materials from Greek to (American) English (and vice versa) I have to agree that across-the-board definitions aren't available.

The cynic in me tends to think that we as academic feel we need to make our mark and thus we make up definitions for concepts that we think are new; on the other hand I do believe in polygenesis: that more than one person at a time have the same (or similar) idea and are working on it separately - thus the mushrooming of terms.

As a (rather newly minted) linguist it's still interesting to me to look at concepts intralinguistically and interlinguistically.

We ought to connect on linkedin and/or (directed towards particiabts of this thread - posting from and iPhone , so I not sure where thus reply is actually going)
I think that a learning style is something to keep in mind; however looking at courses at the university level where you have 20-30 unique individuals taking the course, what do you do? create a specialized course for each individual based on their learning style? It's a waste of time! If I were tutoring one person, learning styles might be more useful.

I do think that it's a narrow way of defining how one learns. Much more goes into learning that just learning styles.
Having faculty open up their courses to students that are not signed up for the course is like pulling teeth at times. As a graduate student in an instructional design program, I decided to poke around and create a wiki for the entire program. I took syllabi, plus personal experience from taking courses, and I created a complete course offerings list, with a break down of what was covered in each course, course resources and so on.

What I found, is that in addition to faculty sometimes not wanting this info to become public, students also sometimes don't want to be the ones doing the work. Some students feel like they've paid for the course and why should others have access to the materials that they paid for (viewing perhaps education as a collection of materials rather than a process of learning) OR students don't have sufficient motivation to contribute information during the course or after the course is over.

Here's the wiki I've created:

Still a work in progress. Now that I've graduated from the program, it's not as easy to go back and rework all this material without help from others :-)