Posts made by Apostolos Koutropoulos

"I would think that this precise tagging and finding the most relevant key words related to a certain subject, is linked to the novice or expert state that a person is in. The more expertise, the easier it is to provide specific and accurate key words or phrases, the more one is a novice, the more those choices might be colored by popular nouns or hyped words. " - IIdW

I agree with you 100% and, anecdotally of course, I've seen this in my own personal information organizing behavior. Back in the early days of use, I didn't really pick tags well, as a result some of my bookmarks were not so easy to find later on. As I used the system more, I actually ended up coming up with terms that were general enough to point a category out, but specific enough so that not everything was "web2.0" (Now if only I had the time to put in an abstract/description for each URL :-) )
Quite a huge topic to chew on!
I've been working in an academic Library for the past 5 years and the Semantic Web has been something that my fellow techie librarians have been mentioning. Honestly, nothing much has panned out on that front. I count myself as a sceptic when it comes to the SW but I am open to the idea and the conversation.

Linked Data is quite interesting to me. The library is full of linked data. If you think of LCSH (library of congress subject headings), book arrangements, book co-locations and other types of "old school" tagging, it's not hard to see that some linked data already exists. We could go much further, but at least there is some existing system in place. The main hurdle that I see with Linked Data in education can be seen now: how do you get a new crop of students to realize that the data that the OPAC (library catalog) provides you is in its own way linked, even though there aren't always hotspots that you can always click on to get related info.

Part of it, I think, is a systems design and UI design issue (making our systems more accessible), and part of it is training students to be information hounds so that they don't just take the first result, but they are encouraged to traverse the links to find something that is more useful to them.
Oh! I see!
In all honesty I did not think of that scenario!
There could be some data harvesting on the back end from an app, but there are quite a few barcode/QR reader apps out there that one can easily choose another app.

This type of data harvesting can happen on any operating system. Just because it isn't reported, doesn't mean it's not happening. :-)

On the mac there is a utility called Little Snitch that allows you to allow/disallow connections that applications make to the internet (even hidden ones) if you don't want your data to be out there. Nothing like that on iOS though (that I know of).
No, a QR code is just a cypher that is deciphered when a reader can break the code. There is no two-way communication going on when your phone "reads" a QR code.

A QR code is essentially encoded text. It can be a URL, a poem, what you want for your birthday, your local library library hours and so on.

Now, if you choose to go to a linked website that you find in a QR code, then that website knows typical analytics like location, browser, and device type.