Posts made by Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Hi Sylvia, 

Great to be back on SCoPE, one of my favorite places. For me, there are no ideal numbers. I love to have many people show up for my online courses and classes because it feels like they want to be there. If one or two turn up, it seems like the course/class is not important or more would turn up. Numbers seem to indicate interest. However, that's not always the case.

Sometimes the timing is wrong or people forget to turn up for class. I forget to turn up to so many great live sessions and courses, but I can't be everywhere all at once for now (just kidding). I appreciate when I get reminders to come to live sessions.

I only lurk when I can't find the time to respond. I never lurk in live sessions. I always chat.  I love online conversations via chats and discussion forums because I learn so much. I go to live online classes just so I could chat as I listen. I met most of my online friends in chats and discussion forums. I have also met some of my online colleagues at f2f conferences around the world.  I have not made friends as a lurker.  

Hi Janet,

My name is Nellie Deutsch. I have been teaching English to speakers of other languages since the mid 70s and integragting technology into my face-to-face classes since the mid 90s. I provide online professional development workshops for educators around the world. The workshops include Moodle for teachers and teacher administrators, WebQuests, google docs, WizIQ live online classes, and wikis. I contributed to chapter 10 on Implementing Technology in Blended Learning Courses. The chapter is based on my doctoral research study. I am currently editing a book based on CO12, an online conferene conducted in February 3-5, 2012.  I am interersted in conducting online research and in publishing my work. I enjoyed working with Janet and find writing chapters and collaborative writing very rewarding. I hope to learn more about editing books, conducting research and online interviews. 

Thank you, Janet. You are an inspirationl!!!



I was happy to see you back Sylvia. I'm looking forward to the series on engaging students in inquiry learning whenever it starts since this is something I have been working on with my English language learners for the past 30+ years. Let me know how I can be of help.

Thank you, Wayne. I will check out the badge system. My main concern is not participants since we have so many educators joining the free online workshops at IT4ALL, but the lack of funding for the sever, volunteers and tech support.