Posts made by Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Hi Sylvia, 

I'm glad to be able to listen in. I'm looking forward to learning how things develop. I was a very enthusiatic  Wikieducator, but lost my way when the OER university initiative began as it opened doors for universities, but closed doors for me as an independent educator. I will be lurking if that's acceptable as I don't represent a university.   

Thank you for sharing your Boy Scouts experiences, Stephen. They bring back a lot of memories of summer camp. I was very proud of my swimming and cannoeing levels. We had to sew the bages on our swimming suits. I would be so motivated to go back to camp, so I could get the next level. It was such a treat to go from one level to the next and to finally reach the top advanced level. I knew in advance what was required of me and practiced the skills needed to reach the levels, so I could get those badges. Maybe, it wasn't so much the badges as it was the stages that I had to follow. 

I am very competitive with myself so badges and levels are great ways to get me to do things. I was scared to death as I stood in front of over 1000 people in grade 8 just so I could get a badge in a public speaking contest. Badges and certificates work for me. I love the initial feeling of getting the certificate, but it only lasts for a few seconds and then it's gone. It doesn't last for long for me. I need to get the next one to sense that feel of accomplishment once again. I'm considering doing another PhD because I lost the feel for the first. Some people run after money. I run after badges.