Posts made by Nancy White

It is very interesting reading these replies. What immediately strikes me is the power of a badge to invoke memory. Very cool. My Girl Scout badge experiences are very similar to what has been reported so far. When asked for testimonials for past speaking experiences in the past recently, I faltered. I never save and organize the evaluate quotes, tweets or emails. It feels very self serving and my background and habit is to shy away from that, and thus probably many badging type experiences. But gee, it would have been nice to have a handy "woman of words" badge! So my final reflection is about a hunger for authenticity that has m are me wary of badges to date. At the same time, I feel my GS badge experiences were often ... Not always... Authentic but mainly due to the mentors and leaders who really probed my understanding , helping me see more in the work. Does that make sense? How does that show up in out digital badging? What are the differences as adults vs children?
Hiya Peter and all! Choconancy, aka Nancy White from Seattle, USA, but currently on the road in Hyderabad, India... Just before dawn. I'm interested in badges because one of my collaborators, UC Davis Agricultural Sustainability institute is developing a badge project for their new major in sustainable agriculture and I have to LEARN! My understanding of badges in this context is emergent, but yeah, I was a Girl Scout and earned badges! I'm also a top reviewer on Tripadvisor, so there's another badge experience!
Hiya Peter and all! Choconancy, aka Nancy White from Seattle, USA, but currently on the road in Hyderabad, India... Just before dawn. I'm interested in badges because one of my collaborators, UC Davis Agricultural Sustainability institute is developing a badge project for their new major in sustainable agriculture and I have to LEARN! My understanding of badges in this context is emergent, but yeah, I was a Girl Scout and earned badges! I'm also a top reviewer on Tripadvisor, so there's another badge experience!
Hiya Peter and all! Choconancy, aka Nancy White from Seattle, USA, but currently on the road in Hyderabad, India... Just before dawn. I'm interested in badges because one of my collaborators, UC Davis Agricultural Sustainability institute is developing a badge project for their new major in sustainable agriculture and I have to LEARN! My understanding of badges in this context is emergent, but yeah, I was a Girl Scout and earned badges! I'm also a top reviewer on Tripadvisor, so there's another badge experience!