Posts made by Catherine Paul

Hi Chrys,

Thanks for sharing the details about the pilot project you're part of!

Can you elaborate on how you're measuring program effectiveness? What kind of feedback to students receive on their work?

The Teacher Education eportfolio project here at UBC has been using ePortfolios to show how the program is meeting the British Columbia College of Teacher's Professional Standards:

These are some examples of eportfolios created by students:

Hi Derek,
Lurking and ePortfolio agnosticism is totally welcome! It's great to have you with us.

Managing records of workplace learning in the health sector is definitely a challenge. Can you share more about what you've tried?

The web conference tomorrow will touch on using ePortfolios in the Nursing program at UBC, you might want to check it out!

Hi Dave,
Thanks for sharing so many resources about ePortfolios and your own experiences of using them in your teaching! What did you find most beneficial about using ePortfolios in your teaching?

I hope you can join us for the web conference tomorrow so you can see more about how Education at UBC has continued with the concept of ePortfolios.

I'll be perusing your resource list for a while!

Hello everyone,
To begin our conversation we'd like to focus on the following questions:

1. How are you using portfolios or eportfolios in your teaching?

2. What do program portfolios mean to you? How do you use them and/or what is your interest in them?

3. What are some of the benefits and challenges of using program portfolios?

4. How does your institution (if relevant) currently use program portfolios? What level of support is there for program portfolios?

Our web conference tomorrow will look more closely at two examples of eportfolios used in programs here at UBC (in Education and Nursing). We look forward to hearing about your experiences both in this discussion area and during the web conference.

( Edited by Sylvia Currie - original submission Monday, 31 May 2010, 11:48 AM Removed some MSO code )